Thursday, October 22, 2009

A simple SBS block.....

This block from the Sylvia's Bridal Sampler book is called "Bow Tie". It is a very simple one. The directions, though, showed it being made with templates and needing Y seams. I decided to do it with 4 large squares and then put small squares on the two corners in such a way as to make the tiny triangle part of the bow. NO Y seams with my way of doing it!!! see....VERY simple block!!! I guess soon I'll put all the blocks I've made together in one picture so you can see my progess so far. (Still a long way to go, but...making steady progress.)


Crispy said...

Love the fabric in this one Pat. How many blocks have your done so far?


Jackie's Stitches said...

Why would they tell you to do it with Y seams when there is a simple alternative?! Crazy!

You know how I feel about Y seams...

Gene Black said...

I always wondered why people would make it the hard way (y-seams) But then I remembered that most of these blocks were designed when all the sewing was by hand. (or most of it anyway) With hand sewing the Y-seams are much easier.

Just so you know, I will stay with doing 98% of my sewing on the machine.

JustCindy said...

Nice block. I look forward to seeing all the finished blocks.

Tangos Treasures said...

Wow you are just going to town getting those blocks done!!
Nice work!

Millie said...

Pat, I love Bow Tie blocks and never made one with a Y seam...good for you to figure out an esier way to make them. If I had to make them the hard way, I will stop at the first block. LOL

Myra said...

You are on a roll with that SBS! Good for you!
I like to avoid Y seams if I can too... 8-)

Anonymous said...

Color me clueless -- or perhaps just less experienced. What is a Y seam?

Very pretty, Pat!

quiltingnana said...

this is such a neat little block...I wonder why I don't do it more

Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful to be in the quilt world of today?! So many new techniques to find easy and faster ways. Lovely block and oh so easy!

Kaye said...

buzzing right along like a Busy Little Bee. I just saw you on You Tube!! LOL

Barb said...

What a great way to make the bow.....and it makes it look like it has a knot in it....which is a good effect.

The Other Barb said...

isn't it nice to do "simple" once in awhile :) Nice block

Quilter Going Bananas said...

I'm so enjoying seeing your progress with these SBS blocks. I was also very interested in reading how you struggled with the first applique block but then tried a different method that worked better for you for the second one. Good job Pat!

Betsy said...

very nice Pat. a group picture would be lovely.

Sara said...

I think that will end up being a beautiful quilt. The blocks are all pretty...

Julia said...

I would love to make a bow tie quilt..when I get the time!
I would have done it the easy way too Pat...
Julia ♥

hetty said...

Your block looks great! Love your technique! I have a bowtie quilt that I started in the first year that I took up quilting. It is all done by hand and I know I will never finish it.

Rachel said...

I like your way of doing it better. Y-seams are a pain! Love the polka dot fabric.