See this assortment of fabrics in the photo? I bought them in January and intended to use them to make the SIX gifts I had to make for the two Pay It Forwards (PIF, for short) I'd joined. (One was from Mel's blog and the other was from Sara's blog, as I recall.) The deal was....I would agree to join their PIF's. Mel and Sara would each make and send me a gift at some point within a period of about 3 months. I would then, in turn, recruit 3 people to join each of MY PIF 's. I would make gifts for them. I did recruit 6 people and said I'd try to get their gifts made by the end of February or March. I even contacted them and asked them for information on favorite colors, their addresses, etc. I heard back from most of them.....but have now lost the papers on which I had their information. (I'm sure they were accidentally discarded in a major clean-up of my desk area. *sigh*) I also proceeded to forget about the PIF's until just now. Anyway......I had what I thought was a good idea for a gift for each of them and bought this fabric for that purpose. Now, though, I believe I am changing my mind about what I will make. I am embarrassed that I've not yet MADE the gifts and sent them. Of course, now I need to get the addresses again. SO....these are the 6 gals to whom I owe PIF gifts....Barb, Anett, Codi, Lisa, Lola, and Rachel Jane. I apologize to them for taking this long AND for needing their addresses once again. If you 6 still read my blog (I know some of you do but not sure all of you do), I need you to contact me with your mailing information and your email addresses. OKAY...that takes care of the "apology" part. Now for the "reminder part" (mentioned in the title of this post). IF you are one of those 6 gals who joined my PIF, I'm sure you, also have gotten busy and might have also forgotten to make the gifts for the people who joined YOUR PIF. If that's the case, get busy gals!!! I am very embarrassed that this slipped my mind for awhile now....but I suspect that happens a lot with the PIF's, because I rarely hear of people GETTING their PIF gifts in the mail or of people MAKING their PIF's and showing them on their blogs after the recipient gets them....and I'm sure they'd be posted on blogs frequently if the PIF chain was carried out faithfully! (Maybe I shouldn't feel so embarrassed then...because it seems a lot of others forget, too! LOL)