I have had many entries already on the giveaway of an AccuQuilt GO! cutter on my blog. (If you missed the post about that, look on the sidebar for it and click there to get the information you need so you can enter the drawing...even if you already HAVE a GO!, you can still participate.) I have been very impressed with the charity projects so many of you already do...and the ones you promise to do if you are a lucky winner!!!
I have had a huge amount of non-fun (read that: non-quilty) stuff that has been taking up my time recently, but I did finish Jelly Roll Block # 10....I varied it a bit and made it to my own style. Here is a picture of it. You can see it better if you click to enlarge it. (It's not been squared yet.)

There are 2 more blocks to go. I don't like a few of them so far....so I may look very carefully at the 12 blocks when they are completed and cut it down to my favorite 9 and be done with it. The remaining 3 blocks can then go in my bag of "orphan blocks". NOW......I need a favor from you. Please go to the brand-new blog of my friend (and neighbor), Sherry, and sign on as a follower and make a comment there. Click
HERE to get to the blog. She is an awesome quilter......self-taught, but very productive. I once showed you a huge, custom California king quilt she made as a wedding gift (will get that picture out again and have her post it, I think, on her new blog.) So....go there and check her out...okay?