A couple of weeks back, you may recall I posted on my sidebar about a giveaway by a blogger named Alice. She was offering 3 prizes. I won one of them....another blogging friend, (Tango), won another. I don't know the third winner. Anyway......my prize, which is a nice one...book and fat quarters...... arrived early last week (pictured here) BUT I had to pay $5.85 in postage due. I was a bit shocked!!! Tango contacted me and....lo and behold....SHE had to pay $5.85 postage due, also. I emailed Alice and informed her that I thought her post office had made quite a mistake. My prizes are worth more than $5.85, to be sure, but I'd not heard of any blogger doing a giveaway and having the winner pay "postage due". I wanted her to know her post office made this mistake. Well....I discovered on the box that she uses Click and Ship, which means she does the postage herself at home. So...the mistake would seem to be hers. Now...I know people make mistakes (and I certainly have made my share...and will make more). But...what I find odd is that Alice has never replied yet to my email (and my post on her blog about this) nor to Tango's email....yet she has posted on her blog since we contacted her, so it would seem she has been online. I would think the polite and correct thing to do would be to at least answer our emails and apologize for the mistake.....but it seems we are being ignored, and I don't think that is right....do you? See....I told you this was a strange ending to a giveaway! (And if any of you have, unexpectedly, been charged "postage due" for a giveaway you won, please share your story with me here!!! If there was a prior agreement for the winner to pay postage, that is one thing, but not for it to happen unexpectedly like this!) Okay....rant over!!!
EDITED to ADD: There was just an anonymous post put here (gotta love how people won't identify themselves when they are talking trash). I have deleted it, of course. If you aren't brave enough to identify yourself, then you don't deserve to have your comment posted! That person tried to suggest maybe it was a SPAMMER collecting the postage from me. DUH......I paid it to the mail carrier who came to my house with the package in a USPS truck...the same mail carrier we have had here for years hardly a spammer!!!