Showing posts with label surprises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surprises. Show all posts

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Thanks to those of you who had a chance to look at the photos in the contest and vote for my husband's (see previous post if you don't know what I"m talking about).  We still haven't had any official word on the results but if numbers are any indication, it looks as if he is the winner.

Not much sewing-related stuff here.....kind of been in a sewing "funk" but am cutting up scraps with my GO! cutter and putting them into baggies to make the random blocks I find such fun to do.  I will be getting 3 new dies on Monday.....WOO-HOO!!! I can't wait......two of them are additional QuarterSquareTriangle dies (which I love the one I already have and am thrilled to be getting them in other sizes now....thanks, AccuQuilt for listening about that)!!!  I think the sewing funk will end soon!

I have been trying to learn more about EQ7....specifically, how to design a quilt top with blocks in mixed sizes.  I am not catching on too quickly with this, so if any of you have some good suggestions, let me know! I have so many ideas in my head and want to be able to get them "on paper" with EQ!

On Mother's Day weekend, my daughter and granddaughter made a quick overnight surprise trip here...showed up at 8:45 on Friday night and stayed until Saturday afternoon.  It was fun...we did breakfast out at a restaurant on the bay and then lunch at a restaurant in downtown Lewes on the canal. The weather was gorgeous and it was a very nice time looking around the little shops there!  This is a picture of my granddaughter at breakfast. She selected chocolate chip pancakes for her meal.

This is a picture of the 3 of us taken just before they left to head back home.   (Gosh......I hate seeing myself in most of you feel the same way when you see photos of yourself??  *sigh*)

The other big excitement around here is that we have been watching a robin's nest that was built in a large bush right outside our living room window. We can actually sit on the sofa and watch the activity there.  On the Friday of Mother's Day weekend, the first 3 eggs hatched and the 4th hatched the following morning.  It is amazing to watch all the feeding and nest "cleaning" that is done by the parents....about every 10 minutes. The babies change in size so quickly.  I understand they will leave the nest at about 12 days but won't yet be flying.  I don't see how they will FIT in the nest for many more days....and every time they squirm around, I fear one of them is going to fall to the ground.   Here is a photo of one of the parents watching us as we watch the nest!  This was taken 3 days ago and the babies have lots more feathers now and are even flapping their wings around in the nest.  They aren't very "cute" yet.......but I'm sure they will look better once they are out of the nest and acting like birds instead of hungry little piggies that eat every 10 minutes!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What a MAIL day!!!

Gee......I laid down yesterday for a nap so my arm would get some rest and not be in use all afternoon long. When I got up, hubby told me to look out in the kitchen as there was mail for me. Was there ever?? Wow!!! There were 3 things. I dug into them like a kid on Christmas morning. Here is what I got.....

This first one wasn't a surprise, but it was appreciated.....the baggies of swap fabric from Pat M ( to see her blog). Yippee!!! Barb's arrived the other day from Amerika Samoa....and now this one. It is fun to open these as they arrive.....and 9 more are expected in the next few weeks! (I know...I know...I didn't show the fabric....the participants just have to wait until they get their swap stuff early in February!!) Thanks for getting this here well before the deadline, Pat.
Next was a surprise package I knew was being sent...but I didn't know what was in it. A blogging friend from Texas....PAT (click to see her blog).......said I had inspired her to pick up and work on finishing a quilt she started when her granddaughter was little...and now this granddaughter is about to graduate. (I'm not quite sure how I inspired her to do that, but.......she said I did, so who am I to argue....right?) Anyway...she said she had something for awhile that she'd hoped to make and decided she'd rather give it to me now. Isn't that fun?? It's a cute pattern, as you can see, making hearts out of log-cabin blocks. I'm thinking after I do that, I can easily use that idea to make a shamrock out of log-cabin blocks!!! Thanks, Pat!!! (Must have been "Pat" day....first two things FROM gals named Pat and TO a gal named Pat....LOL)The last package was a real surprise. I saw it was from Tonya (click to see her blog) and was certain I knew what was inside the box.......another set of fabric baggies for the green no-sew block swap. Well...was I ever wrong!!! You can see what "popped" out of that box when I opened it.....It's a Jim Shore angel ornament!!! Yippee!!! This little gal will stay out with the collection all year long, but she will be hung lovingly on my tree next year. Tonya said she had this angel for awhile and wanted me to have her. She also sent some candy (which you know I'll enjoy!!!) The angel was wrapped in lots of pieces of batting and I can use that with small sewing projects. Thanks, Tonya.......this was very kind of you and such a surprise, too!