Okay...so it's obvious I am a bad blogger. I can't seem to post very regularly and my schedule doesn't permit me to read blogs very regularly, either. So...I am sorry that I'm not commenting on very many of your blogs lately. (Also...like so many others, I find it faster to use my limited posting time doing posts on Facebook, where I reach many of my quilting friends AND other friends as well as family.) Anyway.....here is a brief "catch-up" for you (details below the photos). Photos should show in greater detail if you click on them.
We had a great 10 days with Jessica and can't wait for her second of three summer visits (coming up in a couple of weeks). She did soapmaking (which I showed in the previous post) and she also did chocolate candy-making as well as making another small quilt to hang on her bedroom wall. Her goal is to make 3 of them this summer, so she can change them out with the seasons (along with the "anytime-of-the-year" one she made with me awhile back). She loves using my GO cutter and my sewing machine set on "turtle" speed. We went to the beach and the pool and she saw two movies while here. One was Madagascar 3 with "Grampy" and the other was "Brave" with me. We did some of her summer schoolwork packet, she lost another tooth (and the tooth fairy visited here...lucky she could find us after so many years of not coming here!!!). We also got to see the animals a family from our church raises on their multi-acre "ranch". THAT was a lot of fun. They have: 6 alpacas, 2 miniature horses, 3 goats, 1 donkey, 1 rabbit, 4 dogs, 1 micro-pig (litter box trained), 2 pot-belly pigs, 2 chinchillas, 1 gecko, several birds of various types, 12 cats, and 1 monkey (that is being raised to be a "helper" monkey for paralyzed people....he will go to Boston for the final training of that once he is no longer a "baby"), Yes...they do have a permit for exotic animals...for any who might wonder. Anyway.......I am petrified of birds (any animal that moves quickly, actually). One of the birds flew and landed on my head, but I managed to maintain my "cool" and even smiled so I'd not frighten the kids from church who were there that day to see the animals, although I really wanted to yell, "GET THAT BIRD OFF MY HEAD!!!" As you can see, I have posted some photos here of the fun times with Jessica. (Well...the bird on my head wasn't exactly fun, but......you can see I survived to tell about it!)