Showing posts with label giveaways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaways. Show all posts

Friday, February 15, 2013

And...the winners are.....

The Jim Shore Santa kit
was won by Gloria ("quilter")

And the Gobble Til You Wobble pattern
                                                 was won by Denise!   Congratulations to both...I hope you enjoy and maybe you can email me photos of your completed projects.  I have emailed both of you to ask for your mailing addresses.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Reality-check time GIVEAWAY!

Okay.......I am really making an effort to go through my sewing and craft stuff this winter and do some purging.  I am finding some items I forgot I had and know I will make....and some items I have found and, in reality, I know I will never make them....or they are patterns and I've already done them and know I won't do another.   These two items fit the "don't need any longer" category. 

The first one is a counted cross stitch Jim Shore "Father Christmas".  I really do like it (and someone gave it to me...if it was YOU, I'm sorry I'm not going to use it, but my eyesight has caused me to give up counted cross stitch for awhile now).  This is totally unopened and is not only the pattern, but also contains all the materials needed to make this...including the little beads for embellishment.  I so wish I could have made it, especially since I collect Jim Shore items, but I can't, so it is best in the hands of someone who will be able to complete it. You should be able to see the kit somewhat better if you click on the photo. 

The next one is a pattern only........Gobble Til You Wobble.  It is a small appliqued wall-hanging.  I did make this (so the pattern has some of my penciled notes on it as to my fabric colors, etc.).  I really like how this turned out, but it's the kind of project that I know I will only be making once, so....if you will use it, then it might be yours.  Sorry the photo isn't so great...didn't want to use a flash to make any glare spots on the pattern picture. Click on this to see a bit better, also.

If you would like one of these and will USE it (or be sure it does get to someone you know who would use it), please leave a comment telling me which one you'd like.......and why.  I will accept comments through Thursday, February 14.  At some point within a day or so after that, I will draw the winners' names.  Be sure your comment isn't anonymous and that I can reach your email address through that comment.  If I can't reach you by email, I will draw another name for the prize.

Friday, March 23, 2012

A little detour........

Before I begin showing some of the photos from our recent vacation, I have two photos to show of surprises I had in the mail upon my return.  One is from a blogging pal, Linda.  (HERE is her blog.)  She and I share a love for Disney World and she had made these terrific neck coolers for when she went with her family.  We had been in touch about this and she was going to let me have some of the little cooler "beads" to put in some neck coolers I was going to make. Well....imagine my surprise when I returned home and found not only the "beads", BUT also 5 coolers just waiting to be finished.  She included a lovely note (and her handwriting is among the nicest I have ever seen...and as a retired elementary school teacher, I feel qualified to judge that)!!!  The photo shows what she sent me and I LOVE the Disney fabrics she used!  THANKS, Linda!
         The other surprise in the mail was the arrival of a cute necklace I won on the blog of another blogging pal, Nancy.  (HERE is her blog.)   I don't wear a lot of jewelry but this necklace really appealed to me and it will get a lot of use.  THANKS, Nancy!!! 
     I promise to start posting vacation photos next.........I have tons of them, so I will spread them out over the course of a few weeks.  We had such a nice time and such beautiful weather that there were photo opportunities every time we turned around and looked!
       Thanks for all the kind comments on the drawings I posted yesterday.  Believe me when I say I CANNOT draw, but the Disney artists step everyone through the class in such a way that everyone experiences success and has a lot of fun doing it.  On my own, I could never have done those drawings...that's for sure!


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Table runner for a gift...

I made this table runner as a gift for a friend who, believe it or not, doesn't get online as she has NO computer (so there is no chance she will see this picture).  It was a very easy pattern I saw on someone's blog with the link to it.....of course, I can't recall whose blog nor the link now...but it was very simple to make.  I hope my friend likes it.   I'm happy to report that all 4 of the winners have contacted me with their addresses so I can mail out their Lapel Sticks.  Congratulations to Rhonda, Needled Mom, AndSewOn, and Linda G. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

My feelings about Lapel Stick (and the giveaway).....

A few posts back, you will see I talked about receiving some complimentary tubes of Lapel Stick.  I hadn't yet used a Lapel Stick, but I have now.  Here is my experience.  First of all, the adhesive does hold nicely and goes on smoothly and I would imagine, as advertised, it would be great to carry in pocket or purse to hold something in place in an emergency situation where you aren't near a needle and thread (hem comes loose, button falls off, etc.) 

I did not use it for any of that, however.  I used it to hold pieces in place on an English paper-piecing project I'm doing.  At the same time, I used a glue pen for some of the pieces, so I had a good basis for comparison.  I will say that both glues held equally as well.  But......the Lapel Stick is wide (the size of any glue stick you find in the stores) and I was working with small pieces, so the glue pen worked better for me in that regard (when using small pieces of fabric). Also, I like that the glue pen has color to it...a light blue.....that fades to clear when it dries....but it helps to determine if you have the glue where you want it.  (I guess it might not work so well on something that is blue, but it worked fine on what I was doing.)  The Lapel Stick is white/clear right out of the tube and also dries clear, so on my project, I was uable to see if the glue was where I wanted it.

SO......bottom line.....I would not hesitate to use the Lapel Stick when working with bigger pieces and where I didn't need the glue to be colored when it's first applied and I would carry it in my purse for emergency fixes.  I will, however, stick with the glue pen for smaller pieces and wherever the "colored" glue is important to me when first applied.  If any of you are interested in trying the Lapel Stick, I will send out a couple of tubes to someone whose name I draw on Sunday night.  I thank the manufacturers for giving me an opportunity to try this and to share some with one of my blog readers and appreciate that I was allowed to give an honest review of it here, also.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Steph is having a giveaway....

Click HERE to read about the cute giveaway Steph is having on her blog!  This shows what she is giving away....a cute needle book she made!  Maybe you'll want to tell Steph I sent you.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A giveaway link....

Even though I really want to win this for MYSELF, I am providing you with the link to Gene Black's blog to see if you want to enter this giveaway.  If you don't want to enter, that's fine...more chances for me to win.....LOL   BUT...while you are there, sign on as a follower as he has an excellent quilting blog and even does video tutorials sometimes, too.   Click HERE to get to the giveaway post...and remember to become a follower while there!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Have you heard about Lapel Stick?

I had vaguely recalled hearing about Lapel Stick and a couple of bloggers had giveaways of them.  I'd not used them, though....and still haven't, but I will use one soon.  The company was nice enough to send a few to me.  I will use one and then I'll give a couple away here on my blog....not sure yet how I'll decide who gets them, but I'll have some kind of giveaway, so stay tuned if you are interested.  In the meantime, go HERE to read about Lapel Stick.  I have a photo here of one tube of Lapel Stick as well as both sides of a card that I got with mine.  (Sorry the photo is a bit blurry.)  The weblink I gave you above contains all the info that is on the you can use it to temporarily hold up a hem that has come unsewn...or to keep a buttonhole closed if you pop a well as using it as a basting medium when you are quilting or doing other sewing.  It is a temporary sewing adhesive and from what other bloggers have said, it works pretty well.  I'll find out soon! 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Loving my books!

Recently, there was a big blog hop with more than 250 blogs participating.  I did read ALL the blogs, but I controlled myself and only entered 20......the ones that had the prizes I thought I would be most likely to use.  I didn't want to win something that would have been more important to someone else.  I really didn't think I'd win anything by entering only 20 out of the 250...and considering how many others also entered those 20 giveaways, but.....much to my surprise, I did win on two of them!   I won this really nice collection of books and a set of postcards about quilts that are in the Michigan State University quilt museum.  This was from the Quilt Doctor blog.
I also got this very nice book from Janet K......and I am tearing my hair out looking for her blog name.  (My email is acting up on my computer BIG TIME and many things are not accessible to me right now, including my exchange of emails with Janet that has her blog name in them!)  This book has a lot of great applique for various seasons and holidays....all shown as table runners/toppers.  I'm not so great on applique but I like several of these enough to give it a try.  NOTE: Edited to add the name of Janet's blog ..... A Hug Delights. 
And....on Christmas morning, I got these 3 books AND a nice Amazon gift certificate to order more books for my Kindle.  I love to find ways to cut and make traditional quilt blocks using my GO! cutter, so the two quilt block books will be a terrific resource for me!  You can see I have lots of fun hours of reading (and quilt-making) ahead of me over the long, cold months of January and February! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Win some free batting!!!

Of course, I hope to be the winner, enter the giveaway, I had to promise to tell all of you. So....go HERE to read about it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Something was in my mailbox.....

I had nearly forgotten that Julie had been "cleaning house" (or at least her sewing room) and I had been lucky enough to win something from her.  This is a picture of it....a mini Halloween runner complete with the wool felt with which to make it.  It is really cute! I will enjoy doing this, I'm sure. Thanks, Julie!  

Also....please go back to THIS post of mine and re-read it as Johna'Lee really needs more blocks. She has now extended her finish date to the end of November, so if you hadn't yet read about this, please go there and tell her I sent you and please consider helping her with this very worthwhile project.  I know I have a lot of followers here....nearly 300 of them....and if even 1/4 of you would go and read that post and each make just one block, she would have 75 more blocks toward the rest of the quilts she is making for the family of that young man who gave his life for us in Afghanistan. This is a way we can really touch some hearts and help them heal.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A giveaway soon and then maybe no more blog.....

You might have noticed a very colorful, floral collage at the top of my blog now.  Thanks to Gene Black who put the collage together for me using some of my floral photos.  I am very happy with the way it looks!

I've not had a giveaway in awhile.  I'm thinking I am going to sort through my patterns in the next few weeks and maybe some books, too, and get REAL about what I will use and what I won't use. Then I think I'll put the unwanted ones (all very nice ones) on here as a giveaway.  The giveaway will only be open to those who make regular comments, though.  As most of you know, I'm not one to ask others to post about my giveaways and then draw folks who never paid attention to the blog until they wanted to win something in a giveaway!!!   So if you are a regular reader, I hope you'll find a chance to comment at some point over the next few weeks.  I'm not sure exactly when this giveaway will take place, but I'm sure it will be sometime in May and I'll look back a bit to see who has made comments recently.

Somewhat akin to this is the fact that I'm considering taking my blog offline.  Initiallly, I thought I'd use the blog as a journal of my quilting, crafting and other travels, but since I take photos of everything I make and everyplace I go, I have that kind of record on my computer already.  It seems that life is busy for everyone and I've had trouble finding time to do much sewing and blog posting lately, so I'm thinking it may be time to disappear from Blogland.  Have any of you felt that way?   I realize people often read and don't make comments, so I have no real way of knowing if it's worthwhile to keep my blog going or maybe if I should just cut back to posting once or twice a month.  (I guess if I had a "counter" on my blog, I could see how many are coming and going and reading the blog..maybe the Blogger stats would show me?  I guess I should try to investigate that feature.)   Some of you have become my friends through the blog and I'd keep in touch with you outside the blog. So...we shall see what happens in the next few weeks.   I just didn't want to disappear without warning, and I will be certain to announce when it's my last blog post if I do make that decision and to get email addresses for those of you with whom I'd wish to stay in touch and share projects and ideas.

Okay...enough of that for is a photo of my progress so far on a throw-sized quilt I'm working on for the guest bedroom (a pale lavender color is on the walls...and I'm going with a white chenille bedspread with white chenille shams, so I can change out the accent colors easily by making various small throws like this one).  I bought a pack of coordinated fabrics at a quilt show just because I liked it about two years ago and had no idea what I'd make with it, but I am liking that fabric in this quilt!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Life can be complicated.....

I've not been able to post much lately since I've had a lot on my mind (very stressful situation within the family), but I did want to post a photo of the prize I won from Two Wacky Women when SewCalGal had her recent Christmas quilt show on her blog. I love these 20 fat quarters and they included one of those neat little value I'll have that close at hand when trying to pick fabrics for projects. I really appreciate this prize a lot.

Now...if you are a praying person, please keep my daughter and her family in your prayers. There is a very serious employment situation going on in her household and it has put a huge stress on their household and on me (as the worrying mother/grandmother). They really deserve to get a break please join me in praying for them to have better days ahead....and SOON!

If I'm not very active in Blogland for awhile, I hope you will understand I am quite distracted.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Something nice in the mail.....

Between my part-time job (which I never expected to have in retirement) and a project I can't yet speak about here, I have been nearly overwhelmed and not able to do much that is just "fun" stuff (although the project is fun...but it's just a deadline kind of thing, so that makes it be less fun...LOL). Anyway......I had a nice mailbox package the other day. I won a giveaway at Nancy's blog (click HERE to read her blog). She sent me a really neat notebook that you color the cover design yourself AND a set of Bic Permanent fine-line markers in really COOL colors. I didn't know they came in such great colors. Here is a picture of the stuff after I opened the packageand here is a picture after I'd colored some of the cover (and the design is on the front AND the back). Whew...this is going to be a UFO as it is going to take me awhile to finish coloring this!!! Thanks, Nancy..I love it as I have always been a kid at heart and loved to color. AND....this is the final reminder about my giveaway for a GO! cutter and dies. Click on the sidebar if you've not yet entered and get the info. I'm sad to say that the last few days, I have had people enter who left NO contact information at all.....and when I click on their names to try to find some contact info, I draw a blank and I have to discard their names then. I stressed in my "rules" that I need contact info and I even mentioned it again on AccuQuilt's Facebook page but STILL some folks try to enter with NO contact information. How do they think they would get notified if they won??? Oh,'s their loss as now they aren't even IN the giveaway! NO entries will be accepted after 6 a.m. EASTERN time on Sunday, August 1. The winner(s) will be drawn that day and I'll probably blog about it that night or on Monday morning. Good luck to all and thanks for taking the time to enter. Whoever wins will LOVE that cutter...I promise!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I have had many entries already on the giveaway of an AccuQuilt GO! cutter on my blog. (If you missed the post about that, look on the sidebar for it and click there to get the information you need so you can enter the drawing...even if you already HAVE a GO!, you can still participate.) I have been very impressed with the charity projects so many of you already do...and the ones you promise to do if you are a lucky winner!!!

I have had a huge amount of non-fun (read that: non-quilty) stuff that has been taking up my time recently, but I did finish Jelly Roll Block # 10....I varied it a bit and made it to my own style. Here is a picture of it. You can see it better if you click to enlarge it. (It's not been squared yet.)There are 2 more blocks to go. I don't like a few of them so I may look very carefully at the 12 blocks when they are completed and cut it down to my favorite 9 and be done with it. The remaining 3 blocks can then go in my bag of "orphan blocks". NOW......I need a favor from you. Please go to the brand-new blog of my friend (and neighbor), Sherry, and sign on as a follower and make a comment there. Click HERE to get to the blog. She is an awesome quilter......self-taught, but very productive. I once showed you a huge, custom California king quilt she made as a wedding gift (will get that picture out again and have her post it, I think, on her new blog.) So....go there and check her out...okay?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Let's get GO ing.........

Thanks to the wonderful folks at AccuQuilt.....a terrific, customer-oriented company in Nebraska....I am able to run a very special giveaway. Not too long ago, I won a GO! cutter from them on their Facebook page. I have been in love with this tool ever since. I am now officially a "senior citizen" and I can tell you that this product is one of very few I have seen in my lifetime that actually exceeded my expectations! I have been only too happy to tell everyone about this wonderful cutter that has made my quilting life so much easier due to the speed with which I can now cut fabric AND the accuracy that results and I have also demonstrated it to other quilters. I know many of you would love to have one of these cutters, too. There are a couple of other giveaways being done for this right now and we have each tried to vary our "rules" a bit. Since I want only those who are serious to enter, I need to make you do a few things to show you are trying to familiarize yourself with AccuQuilt and their products...which seems only fair since they are letting us have these terrific giveaways. Read more (below the photo) to find out my "rules" for how you can enter to win.Oh, yes....wait...silly me.....I nearly forgot.....the good news continues. I know some of you already HAVE this cutter, and I didn't want you to be left out of entering my giveaway. AccuQuilt has kindly allowed me to do the following.......if someone who already has a GO! is my winner, they will get 3 dies from AccuQuilt, and I will then draw a second name who will win the GO! cutter with the starter die that comes along with it. (If the winner does not already have a GO! cutter, he or she will win the whole "kit and kaboodle"...that is: the GO! and starter die as well as 3 other dies!) Is anyone excited about this yet?? If so, continue reading to find out how you can enter. Please read carefully, because if the rules aren't met, then your entry will be discarded...and you don't want that to happen, do you?

1. The giveaway will end at 6 a.m. Eastern time on Sunday, August 1...winner will be announced later that day.

2. You must go to AccuQuilt's Facebook page and click "Like" if you are not already a fan there. I will be watching and want to see that everyone who enters my giveaway makes at least one comment there over the course of my giveaway.....between now and August 1. And if you are new there, say "Pat sent me" when you make your first comment on that Facebook page! (I might find your comment easier that way.)

3. You are also to go to AccuQuilt's website......www . accuquilt . com (no spaces before and after the dots). You are to look over the GO dies there and come back to tell me which 2 you like the most. If you already have a GO, you should tell me which 2 dies you'd like to get next.

4. You are to tell me what CHARITY project you will make with the GO (or the dies) if you win. I realize some of it may have to be cut with the rotary cutter...depending on what dies you have when you are making this item. (Just for your information: The starter die that comes with the cutter cuts a 4 1/2 inch square, a 2 1/2 inch square and 2 1/2 inch half-square triangles....all of which will sew up to be a half-inch smaller, of course.) Your charity project could be a pillowcase for a children's cancer hospital, a quilt for a newborn intensive care unit of a hospital, a lap quilt for a local nursing home, a quilt for Downy's Quilts for Kids, etc. I am trusting that IF you win, you will follow through on this AND show us a photo of it on AccuQuilt's Facebook page once the item is made. I am trusting that all of you will be honest and not take this commitment lightly.

5. Lastly, you need to tell me in your comment whether or not you already have a GO! cutter. sum this up: you will be making ONE comment and get ONE entry. Your comment will tell me you are (or have become) a "fan" of AccuQuilt on will tell me which 2 dies you like for the GO after you visit AccuQuilt's will tell me which charity project you will do.....AND you will tell me if you do or do not have a GO! already. Four pieces of sure all 4 pieces of info are included in your one comment in order for your entry to be valid.

Get that comment on my blog by 6 a.m. Sunday, August 1...and put that comment on THIS post (which you will always be able to find by clicking on the GO photo on my sidebar to get directly here). Be sure I can reach you by clicking on your name. If you don't have a blog, be sure to include your email address in your comment to me. I wish everyone good luck and I'm sure you all join me in thanking AccuQuilt for a wonderful giveaway. They have been kind enough to give me 3 dies of my choice as a "thank you" since I have been so vocal about promoting their product and since I am willing to host a giveaway. I can tell you, truthfully, that I'd have hosted this giveaway even if they did NOT give me anything...that's how much I believe in this GO! cutter and how excited I am for others to get a GO!, too.

So..what are you waiting for? Get GO! ing!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Check out Micki's Giveaway....

Micki....a wee American gal who is now happily living in celebrating the second anniversary of her blog by having a very nice giveaway. Be sure to click HERE to check it out...even though I would love to win it. OH....make sure you tell her Pat sent you. I don't get extra entries for that, but at least she will know that her blogging friends are sending more people to see her happy and fun blog, okay?

Also......I want to say thank you to all of you who commented and sent emails to me about the loss of our little dog, Pepi, this week. Your words did a lot to comfort me at a time when I was feeling quite down and lost. I still expect to see Pepi everywhere I look....and expect him to greet me at the door when I come home, but I know time will help ease some of that. last good blogging buddy, Gene, told me how to cross something out in a post...which I see people do but I wasn't able to figure it out here. He told me to look for an icon in my "compose" section (which is the section I use when I type my posts) that has an ABC with a LINE through it.....then highlight what I want to cross out in my post...and click that icon. Well...guess what? There is no icon like that in MY compose section.....the only ABC thing up there is the one for spell-check. Gee...I feel cheated...why do some of you have that cool, crossing-out icon and I don't? Mine appears to be lost...can someone tell me how to find it....PLEASE? LOL    OKAY....Gene just helped me FIND the icon by updating my "editor" on my next time, I can use my cross out "thingy"....YAY!!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I must be dreaming!!!!!

I must be dreaming, but if I am, I hope never to awaken!!!!! Yesterday, I was stunned to find out that I was one of 5 winners of a GO! Fabric Cutter on AccuQuilt's Facebook page. They are the nicest people there at AccuQuilt. Now I know you think I'm only saying that because I won a cutter from them, but I'm not. They really are terrific folks who work there...who really enjoy their jobs and think the world of their boss, too. They have been genuinely nice and fun on their Facebook page all along. If you haven't gone there, you MUST go. People are always sharing great ideas about the cutters (they have two types) and showing things they have made using them. AccuQuilt also has giveaways quite often. be part of the giveaway fun, you need to go sign up on their Facebook page. Just do a search on Facebook for AccuQuilt. You won't be sorry!!! The very least you'll come away with are some excellent ideas and, perhaps, will want to start saving for a cutter yourself! They sure do make life easier from what everyone is saying...and I'll let you know for sure in another week or two!

Anyway...back to my DREAMY day yesterday. I won a cutter just like this one....and then I used the money I'd been saving to BUY a cutter and went and picked out some dies I want to order for it. (It comes with some dies, but there are others I just need to have. You know how that goes!!! LOL)

AND...if that wasn't enough, today the dream continues as this is the day my EQ7 arrives.Hubby ordered that late in April for me. I thought it was my b'day gift, but he now says it's not. (Maybe some new dies are to be my b'day gift? Hubby was on that computer yesterday right after I found out I won, and I think that might be what he was doing....Woo-Hoo!!!) I can't wait to learn it is said to do some really wonderful things!!! I'll be reporting back on that soon, too!

To sum it all up, what a great couple of days this has been. My birthday isn't until June 18, but this feels like it's been my birthday and Christmas and Mother's Day and college graduation and wedding and baby showers all rolled into one! THANK YOU, AccuQuilt for putting me up on Cloud Nine...and I must say I feel like I'll never come back down to earth!!! So....... you all remember to go to AccuQuilt's Facebook page now, okay???

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

And the winner is.........

Don't say I didn't warn you......a few days back. I said I had surpassed 200 followers (but hadn't noticed right I'm up to 207...and I appreciate each and every one of you). Anyway...back to business. I had told you a couple of posts back that I'd be having a giveaway for this and that I would be noticing who was making regular comments. Here is the prize......a charm pack of Moda's Nautical & Nice along with a half-yard of a fabric that seems to match it nicely and a cute magnet.
So...I looked over the past two posts and tallied up all the names of those who posted and assigned a number to each. I then went back to one post PRIOR to when I mentioned this...just to see if any of my regulars had posted there, too. Four of them had posted there......"Lois"....Gene.....Tonya....and Cecelia. So...I gave them each extra entries for that.

Then...I used the random number generator and #28 came up and that was......TONYA!!! (Click on her name to get to her blog.)

Those of you who have followed me for a long time (as Tonya has) know that I like my giveaways to go to my followers rather than people who just "surf" around blogs doing nothing but entering giveaways...and rarely return to a blog afterwards. That is why I never ask anyone to post about my giveaways on their blogs. Those of you who are new will now know to be on the lookout as I like to do giveaways that are spur of the moment (like this one was). So.....keep reading...and keep commenting, okay? You never know when another giveaway will pop up and you'll want to be in the running for it...right? And...thanks for all who follow and comment...and also for having your own great blogs that I truly enjoy reading (although it is getting hard to keep up with over 200 blogs every day, so please forgive me if I don't always comment)!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Bits and pieces.......

Actually, I should have said "Pieces and Bits" in the title of this post. First...the pieces.....pieces of fabric! Remember Amy's recent online Quilt Festival? Many of you also showed quilts in it. I was lucky enough to win one of the many prizes she was offering at the end of the festival. I won these Essex fat quarters (a linen/cotton blend) from Jackie at Canton Village Quilt Works. Aren't the colors BEAUTIFUL? And don't you think I should wait until I have a GO! cutter so I can cut them out crisply and cleanly?????? Thanks, Jackie and Amy, for this fun prize!!! You can find Jackie by clicking on her name above. AND.....if you don't know what a GO! cutter is, you need to do a search for AccuQuilt OR go to this link (and PLEASE mention to Barb that I sent you...gets me extra entries) and maybe you can WIN a GO! cutter (and if you don't want a cutter, please go there and mention I sent you anyway, okay?) If you go to AccuQuilt's Facebook page and join... they give away a cutter every once in awhile when they reach another 1,000 fans, so you'd have a chance to win there, too!!! Of course, if you win and then decide you don't WANT the cutter, you could simply give it to me.......LOL.....hehehehe.....I'm pretty funny, aren't I???And now for the "Bits".......tiny BITS of 4 projects I've done recently (the pink one isn't quite finished). I am sorry I can't show you anymore of the projects than these little bits, but they are part of a technique my friend, Kathy, and I have developed that we might try to take we can't show them just yet. I will show them to you someday, though. For now, I just wanted you to know that I have been working very hard lately....just not on things that can be shown yet. Wish us luck...okay? (Sorry to be know I don't usually do that....but it's necessary right now!)SOMEHOW...while I wasn't paying attention, I went over 200 followers, so I will be getting to one of the LQS soon and buying a prize to give away to one of my keep watching and commenting here. You know I give my prizes just to my followers, in particular those who comment regularly!!!