There are 3 couples here who knew each other from when we lived in NJ. We have a dinner to celebrate each other's birthdays. A few days ago, we had a dinner to celebrate the b'day of Linda....a sometimes quilter/never blogger friend! This is her wearing her birthday crown and necklace.....we pass that along each time it's another person's birthday.... and with her "birthday girl" glass by her place setting.....silly, huh?

It was at my house this time. We each make something but the person who hosts usually does the main dishes. We always have a fun time. This is the table before the guests arrived.

The menu this time was tomato basil soup with soup crackers and cheese for toppping it, a tossed green salad, cheesey breadsticks and butterflake dinner rolls, two kinds of marinated pork loin, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, corn, a mixed veggie dish (with squash, asparagus, peppers, carrots, onions in a peppercorn sauce), wine and various other beverages, and birthday cake for dessert. I forgot to put out the applesauce and after-dinner mints and also forgot to offer ice cream with the birthday cake.....DUH.......have you ever done that? I hate it when people go home and I discover there was something that never made it to the table!!!
Next we have Linda blowing out her candles....or trying to blow them out but Ruth (who made the cake) had the candles on there that will NOT blow need to put them in water to extinguish them! We had a few laughs at this, of course. If you are very observant and noticed little "animals" on the table and wonder about that, those are 2 silly battery-operated rodents who wear birthday hats and sing Happy Birthday and attend all our birthday gatherings!!! We may be goofy, but we have a lot of fun.