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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta English celebrations. Mostrar todas las entradas

28 de mayo de 2012

Actualización en el uso de la web 2.0 en el curso "Learning and Teaching English Celebrations"

Dentro de un par de semanas finaliza el Curso con seguimiento: LEARNING AND TEACHING ENGLISH CELEBRATIONS. 
Esta actividad, incluida en el Plan de Actuación de esta asesoría, está dirigida al profesorado de inglés del ámbito de nuestro CEP de todas las etapas educativas y resto de profesorado interesado con nivel B1 en esta lengua. El curso comenzó en febrero y ha gozado de una gran demanda y participación. Los asistentes valoran muy positivamente la magnífica oportunidad que esta actividad supone para su formación como profesores/as que hacen uso de la lengua inglesa en su práctica docente.  

Paralelamente el curso conlleva la actualización en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías y en uno de los recursos más importantes de la web 2.0: Los BLOGS. Tanto ponentes como participantes y la asesoría responsable estamos enlazando y comentando las prácticas en el aula, los materiales y presentaciones en las entradas del blog del curso que se hará público una vez finalice la actividad. Para compartir nuestros recursos se está haciendo uso de documentos en Google docs, presentaciones en Slideshare, vídeos en Youtube, álbumes de fotos en Picassa, etc...

Como la finalidad de esta actividad de formación ha sido fundamentalmente propiciar el reciclaje lingüístico del profesorado de inglés a través del conocimiento de las costumbres populares, tradiciones y celebraciones más representativas del mundo anglosajón, el curso se ha impartido completamente en inglés por personas nativas de esta lengua. 
DÍPTICO de la actividad. 

Los ponentes, Neda Milenova y Thomas Walter Steele, son traductora y auxiliar lingüístico respectivamente, siendo la primera nativa inglesa y el segundo americano. Éste ha sido otro de los atractivos del curso: dos acentos, el británico y el americano, con un mismo objetivo: asesorar al profesorado en la planificación de actividades y recursos metodológicos para acercar dichas celebraciones al alumnado y estrategias de evaluación para las mismas.
En todas las sesiones las personas asistentes han realizado intervenciones orales en inglés presentando los materiales y recursos que han elaborado para llevar al aula y enseñar al alumnado las distintas celebraciones y costumbres que se han abordado en el curso y que han sido hasta este momento:

18 de abril:  Olympic games. Fifth of May.
16 de mayo: Traditional scottish dances. Sports in Britain.

A propósito de esta última ponencia, ésta es la presentación de Neda sobre "Deportes en Gran Bretaña y las típicas danzas escocesas" (la más conocida se denomina "Strip the Willow")

En el apartado de danzas escocesas, como no hay nada mejor que aprender haciendo, eso fue precisamente lo que hicimos, bailar "Strip the Willow". Cinco minutos de instrucciones fueron suficientes y aquí el resultado:

LINKS to materials:


2 de mayo de 2012

Mothers' Day

Following the programme of the course "Learning and Teaching English celebrations", yesterday Thomas W. Steele talked about Mothers' Day and presented some activities as well as useful resources to teach students the origin and customs in the UUEE related to this festivity. Most of them were done in small groups in an interactive way, discusing them and adding new ideas and ways to adapt the activities to the students´age. Mothers day

Mothers Day: English minilesson:

St. George's Day and May Day

Siguiendo con el programa del curso "Learning and Teaching English celebrations", en la sesión anterior, Neda Milenova, una de las ponentes en esta actividad de formación dirigida al profesorado de inglés y al que imparte su materia en esta lengua, nos habló de estas dos celebraciones: St. George's Day y May Day

Aquí se puede consultar su presentación:

Interactive activities, lesson plans, activiites to print, etc... (St. George's Day)
St. George and the Dragon
Other links (St. George's Day and May Day)

Neda's entry on the blog of the course:

"Here is an article on the three traditions of May Day form The Guardian. I think that International Worker´s Day is a good chance to raise all kinds of issues with our students related to human rights. The BBC has some lesson plans  on a wide variety of subjects which come under the umbrella of Citizenship (a subject taught in British schools) - just click on one of the headings on the main page and it will take you to a page with a lesson plan and some other online activities, such as animations, photo stories etc...
You can also watch a short video on the history of Labour Day (USA) here.
If you´d like to introduce St. George to your students, I have included a couple of links to videos in my list and  here is a site which offers the possibility to download visuals for teaching the Dragon Legend (good for younger students)".

24 de abril de 2012

The Olympic games and the Fifth of May

Following the programme of the course "Learning and Teaching English celebrations", in the last session we have dealt with the Olympic Games and the fifth of May.
This is the presentation on these topics made by Thomas Walter, the lecturer:

All the participants in this course have some time that has been specifically designed to explain the activities they do in class to teach their students english through its culture. They share their lesson plans, resources, estrategies, etc... with the rest.We always do it in half an hour at the end of each session. This time a group of teachers came up with the following teaching ideas for April Fool's Day:
Pre-activity:We tell the students that the government has announced that the timetables are going to change so that from Easter on, they are going to have lessons in the morning and the afternoon, after a short break for lunch. Preferably, the Head would announce that, to lend credibility to our story.
After a few moments of panic (allow the students to scream for a minute!) we tell them it’s a joke, because that day is April Fool’s Day. We show a short video  that explains it, and we ask the students to connect it to the Spanish “Día de los Inocentes” (28th December)
We give the students some “stories” to read. They have to guess which ones are real, authentic stories and which ones are fake. Then they have to explain why they think so. (see Document 1)
Post-activity:Since students usually like to write bizarre stories, we ask them to make up their own ones. They should take care that what they write has at least the appearance of truth, so that the story could be considered a “genuine” one and then fool others. To make it a bit more complicated they have to include in their text 5 words that they have taken out of a bag (at random) Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All TimeAll the materials are being uploaded to a blog that will be made public at the end of the course.
Next session: 25th april: St. George's Day and May Day.

27 de marzo de 2012


Following the programme of the course "Learning and Teaching English celebrations", last wednesday, Neda Milenova, teacher trainer and translator, told us about Easter in Britain.  

Neda presented its origin as well as unknown customs and traditions that take place in Britain during Easter.  

We did different and interesting activities, some of them in small groups and in an interactive way, discusing them and adding new ideas and ways to adapt the activities to the students´age. We even had a little contest with prizes: Chocolate eggs!!

At the end of the session three of the participants gave talks about the celebration we dealt with in the previous session and that they carried out with their students, about Saint Patrick's Day. Their presentations/materials are uploaded to the blog for this course that will be made public at the end of this activity.

Next 18th april we will talk about  the Olympic games and the Fifth of May. 
Don´t skip the class!!

This is the presentation on Easter by Neda :

EASTER Handout (by Neda)

13 de marzo de 2012

Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick's Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Newfoundland and Labrador and in Montserrat. It is also widely celebrated by the Irish diaspora, especially in places such as Great Britain, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia, and New Zealand, among others. Today, St. Patrick's Day is probably the most widely celebrated saint's day in the world.

Saint Patrick's Day was also one of the festivities we included in the course "Learning and Teaching English celebrations" that is currently taking place in our CEP. Thomas Walter, language assistant at EOI Córdoba, dealt with it during the last session of this course. (see the rest of festivities we have already talked about)

This year Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated on 17th march and here you are some teaching ideas to celebrate it with your students:

Some videos to work St.Patrick with primary students:

16 de febrero de 2012

LEARNING AND TEACHING ENGLISH CELEBRATIONS: Pancake Day. The 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens´birth

Following the programme of the course "Learning and Teaching English celebrations", yesterday Neda Milenova, teacher trainer and translator, talked about Pancake Day (that is celebrated on 21st february this year) and also about the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens.
Neda presented different and interesting activities as well as useful resources to teach students the origin and customs in the UK related to these festivities. Most of them were done in small groups in an interactive way, discusing them and adding new ideas and ways to adapt the activities to the students´age.

At the end of the session two of the participants gave talks about the celebration we dealt with in the previous session and that they have already carried on with their students, about Saint Valentine´s Day. Their presentations/materials are uploaded to the blog for this course that will be made public at the end of this activity.

Next 7th march we will talk about Saint Patrick Day and April fools´ Day. Don´t skip the class!!

This is the presentation by Neda on Charles Dickens and Pancake Day:

Pancake Day Quiz
- Pancake Day lyrics (gaps) 
- Shrove Tuesday Links 

9 de febrero de 2012


As it was established in the programme of the course "Learning and Teaching English celebrations", yesterday we dealt with "Saint' Valentine's Day and "Mardi Gras".

The speaker, Thomas Walter Steele, one of the language assistants in the School of Languages in Córdoba, focused on different activities (pre-, during and post-activities) to teach English to our students through the cultural aspects of these celebrations.

The importance of input a student receives, the kind of activities more suitable for each stage and the intention of personalization (or reinforcement) in the post-activities were some of the issues we dealt with during this session of the course. 
There is a blog where the participants will write individual entries about the activities, lesson plans, tasks, etc.. that they have carried on with their students related to the celebrations we study in the course. Apart from that, they will also have to give talks to the rest of participants about the celebration they chose. The blog will be made public at the end of this activity.
Next wednesday, we will hear about Pancake day and the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Charles Dicken's birth. 

Presentation by Thomas:

Other materials and documents:

24 de enero de 2012


Está abierto en Séneca el plazo de inscripción en el Curso con seguimiento: LEARNING AND TEACHING ENGLISH CELEBRATIONS. 

Se trata de una actividad de formación dirigida al profesorado de inglés del ámbito de nuestro CEP de todas las etapas educativas y resto de profesorado interesado con nivel B1 en esta lengua. El curso comenzará en febrero y terminará en junio y tiene una certificación de 30 horas, veinticinco de las mismas presenciales y cinco no presenciales.

El curso se impartirá en inglés por personas nativas de esta lengua por lo que esta actividad de formación propiciará el reciclaje lingüístico del profesorado de inglés a través del conocimiento de las costumbres populares, tradiciones y celebraciones más representativas del mundo anglosajón con la finalidad de que el profesorado pueda planificar actividades y estrategias metodológicas para acercar dichas celebraciones al alumnado. También se analizarán estrategias de evaluación para las mismas. 

Los contenidos se corresponden con las siguientes celebraciones:
8 de febrero:  Saint Valentine day. Mardi Gras.
15 de febrero: Pancake day. Celebrating the 200th birthday of Charles Dickens.
7 de marzo:  St. Patricks Day. April fools´day.

21 de marzo: Easter (Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday...)
18 de abril:  Olympic games. Fifth of May.
25 de abril: St. George´s Day. May Day.
2 de mayo:  Mothers´day. Memorial day.
16 de mayo: Traditional scottish dances. Sports in Britain.
6 de junio: Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elisabeth II. Trooping the colour.
13 de junio:  Fathers´day. Independence day (4th of july) 

DÍPTICO de la actividad. 

ENTRADAS en el blog sobre esta actividad.