Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Chinese Medicine

After few days of stomach upset and diarrhoea, and the intake of western medications, Crystal appeared weak, pale and having cold sweat.  For the past week even before the stomach upset and allergy problems, she took more naps  and always complained of tiredness.  She has less energy compare to her normal self and had to stop half way through her taekwando lesson last week.

We decided to bring her to a Chinese medical hall to get an advise on what sort of Chinese Herbs that is good for her to regain her health.  The Chinese medical hall introduced us a Chinese medical doctor just across the road in Foh Sang, Luyang.  

The doctor checked on her pulses and throat.  He suggested that Crystal should not drink any cold drinks, cooling tea, no chicken and eggs, no white radish (white lo pak) in her diet, for fruits, only red apple is allowed.  Here are the tablets she has to take 3 times a day 4 tablets each for 5 days.  Due to school time, we only managed to give her medicine twice a day. 

She is regaining her energy after taking the Chinese medicine.  Thank you Lord and His touch on my little girl for helping her to get well and  rejuvenate her body.  

My mum has discharged from the hospital yesterday after admitted on last Thursday due to severe vomiting and diarrhoea.  Will bring her to see this Chinese Medication Doctor for some herbs supplements.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Smecta for diarrhoea

After I have recovered a little.  My precious Crystal got sick the following day.  We still couldn't figure out what kind of food that she is allergy to, she has got very bad allergy causing itchiness all over her body and swollen on her eyes and mouth on Wednesday.  Besides that, she also had diarrhoea in the day and fever set in later in the night.  She couldn't sleep well and both me and Clet had a sleepless night as well.  Crystal had sick leave from school on Thursday as a result.

Her diarrhoea problem persist until today, the doctor did not prescribed any diarrhoea medication for her because he reckoned it was the allergy that have caused her stomach discomfort.  

She appeared weaker than normal and complained of stomach discomfort and frequent to the toilet to pass loose and watery stool.  After her revision class from GMA (Genius Mind Academy) in the afternoon, she felt even weaker after using so much of her brain power in the class.  I closed my shop earlier and Clet sent us home so that Crystal can rest and take her medication.

I gave her the medication that the doctor gave her when she had diarrhoea and fever a few months ago.  Clet bought another 8 packets of the smecta as we have ran out of.  

 Pink one is for diarrhoea, fever medicine next to it, and a packet of smecta (it functions to collect all the bad becteria in the stomach and sent them off to the toilet).  Hope this medication will help Crystal to recover soon.

Clet bought extra packets of smecta in case anyone of us kenak diarrhoea. Eating out something is unavoidable. 

After 1-2 hours taking the medication, she is back to her normal self joining her little sister in the computer room, playing computer game, and she told me that she is passing out a lot of air from the tummy :) It is much better than seeing her feeling so weak lying on the bed having fever and stomach discomfort.  Get Well Soon girl..!!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Sudden attack

I thought this is the end of my world. The earth is spinning faster than normal, I felt like vomiting when open my eyes, starting to have cold sweat. My arms and legs started to give way (no energy).  

It was about 4.30 pm in the office yesterday, I was rushing to finalise a report which has been a month overdue.  It attacked me suddenly when I stood up and turned to the photocopy machine right behind me to collect a copy of the report I printed out from my computer. I went back to my seat and the whole world is spinning.  I tried to rest my head on the table and hope it would be over soon but it didn't.  I had to call Clet in to fetch me earlier.  I vomited twice before reaching the doctor's office.

After checking both of my ears, blood pressure and my abdomen, I was treated as Balance Disorder or Inner Ear Fluid Imbalance.  My younger brother having the same problem but I didn't know how it feels until I was attacked by it yesterday.

I was prescribed with 2 types of medicine, for the ears (2 tablets 3 times a day) and vomiting (1 tablet 3 times a day).  After sleeping the whole night last night, I took another 3 hours of sleep at home in the morning and did some house work and having Crystal accompanied me in the afternoon when she came back from school.  

I still feel tired and weak and hope I will get back to normal in another day or 2.  Got lots of work waiting for me to do as me being both an employee and employer.  To me, being able to work is better than getting sick. Health is Wealth.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Absent from work and school

Sent our girls to school this morning, but Pearl is still unwell after 2 days absent from school, she is down to cough and flu, fever Caused by Throat infection. Doctor put her On antibiotic but We did not proceed to give her, we always try to Avoid letting Our girls taking antibiotic As much as we Can. Today we started giving her antibiotic because home remedies and supplements did not help her to recover as fast. Teacher Asked her to rest at home today. she has been missing school for 3 days this Week..To avoid home works being piled up, daddy has to go to her Classroom to take a snapshot of her homework lists from the board so that she Can do her homework at home.

In order for Pearl to rest at home', I decided to take a day off from Work. Following her daddy work schedule will not Allow her to rest well like how it was for the last 2 days. She got to rest at home now while enjoying her favourite VCDs. Happy to see that despite being sick and weak she still able to follow the moves on her favourite Hi-5 song. Get well soon Pearl.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Caught by common cough and flu

Disturbed by the itchy throat and bad cough, I woke up at 3am yesterday morning. That kind of feeling was hard to bear, the one thing I could think of was to galloped 3 Bird's Nest Chong Chau Pi Pa Dan pills. Went back to sleep again.

I looked pale and exhausted when sending our girls to school yesterday morning. Clet commented that I looked terrible and should go see the doctor get a day off to rest at home.

Rather than waiting for the garlic supplement to take effect, which I know would be slow. I finally resorted to take the prescribed medication from the clinic before I transmitted the virus to my girls, I dare not want take the risks of getting my girls sick.
I was glad that the Permai Polyclinic is opened 24 hours, a doctor was there as early as 7.45am. It didn't take long for me to get the consultation done, we drove off from the city before the rush hours started to set in, otherwise we would be caught in the jam. My medical bill came up to RM55.00 which I can only claim 80% of it base on my workplace policy.

I have taken 3 days sick leave in these 2 weeks alone, what a sick monkey I am in the month of June.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

When Parent is ill

All of us in the family are taking turns popping in and out of the hospital since last Friday. My dad has been admitted to the hospital again after complaining of diarrhea and felt weak, scare of any eventuality, we decided that sending him to the hospital is the best choice, though my dad refuses to do so.

We hope my dad will be discharged after a day or two of observations but now into the 6th day there is still no indication of letting him out from the hospital. He has started to feel very uncomfortable, impatient and gets annoyed easily because of staying too many days in the hospital. No places are more like at home.

I noticed that many of the sickly old folks are taken care by the hired maid in the hospital now. The family members will only come visit whenever convenient due to work and family commitment. These maids are very eager to take care of a few of the sick people at the same time, basically they stay, eat, bathe and sleep in the hospital. We were approached by a couple of them who wanted to offer their service to take care of my dad, and their charges is RM70.00 a day (24 hours) which is pretty high. The nurses also encourage us to hire the maid so that their work will be lessen or no care needed from them because the hired maid will do most of the stuff for the patient. The nurses will only come round to take blood pressure reading, blood sugar test that kind of routine. A lot of cares are being neglected by the nurses.

I am surprise to know that some nurses do not even know what treatment the patient is going through at this point in time. For example, they just leave the pills on the side table asking my father to take his medicine after breakfast without knowing that his left side body is paralyzed, the pills on the right side table is beyond his reach.

Just hope that my dad will be discharged by tomorrow. We know that he misses his grand children at home very much and they miss their grandpa too..

Friday, 29 January 2010

I am sick

I tend to get sick around this time of the year. Probably due to the "small fire" in my Ba Chi chart, the "small fire" prone to be weaken by the cold winter weather, that's what I read from the fung shui books, believe it or not...I am not so sure about this theory.

Lack of sleep is definitely one of the contributory factors in lowering my immune system thus cause my sensitive respiratory system being attacked. I was and still coughing non stop for the last two days; finally I sought doctor's help yesterday and got myself a day sock leave to have a rest at home.

I felt slightly better after the medication but still a long way to total recovery. Hope to get well before Chinese New year.