Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Chinese Medicine
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Smecta for diarrhoea
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Sudden attack
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Absent from work and school
Sent our girls to school this morning, but Pearl is still unwell after 2 days absent from school, she is down to cough and flu, fever Caused by Throat infection. Doctor put her On antibiotic but We did not proceed to give her, we always try to Avoid letting Our girls taking antibiotic As much as we Can. Today we started giving her antibiotic because home remedies and supplements did not help her to recover as fast. Teacher Asked her to rest at home today. she has been missing school for 3 days this Week..To avoid home works being piled up, daddy has to go to her Classroom to take a snapshot of her homework lists from the board so that she Can do her homework at home.
In order for Pearl to rest at home', I decided to take a day off from Work. Following her daddy work schedule will not Allow her to rest well like how it was for the last 2 days. She got to rest at home now while enjoying her favourite VCDs. Happy to see that despite being sick and weak she still able to follow the moves on her favourite Hi-5 song. Get well soon Pearl.
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Caught by common cough and flu
I looked pale and exhausted when sending our girls to school yesterday morning. Clet commented that I looked terrible and should go see the doctor get a day off to rest at home.
I was glad that the Permai Polyclinic is opened 24 hours, a doctor was there as early as 7.45am. It didn't take long for me to get the consultation done, we drove off from the city before the rush hours started to set in, otherwise we would be caught in the jam. My medical bill came up to RM55.00 which I can only claim 80% of it base on my workplace policy.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
When Parent is ill
I am surprise to know that some nurses do not even know what treatment the patient is going through at this point in time. For example, they just leave the pills on the side table asking my father to take his medicine after breakfast without knowing that his left side body is paralyzed, the pills on the right side table is beyond his reach.
Just hope that my dad will be discharged by tomorrow. We know that he misses his grand children at home very much and they miss their grandpa too..
Friday, 29 January 2010
I am sick

I felt slightly better after the medication but still a long way to total recovery. Hope to get well before Chinese New year.