Showing posts with label father. Show all posts
Showing posts with label father. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Papa's 79th Birthday

When we asked him what he would like to have for his birthday dinner, Papa said KFC..he has read about its new menu in the local Chinese Newspaper.  I quickly checked through the pile of old newspaper to find what he's talking about..and I found this piece of KFC's news introducing the Crispy Tenders..we later found out that the boneless chicken is spicy which papa does not like it..but we brought him to KFC for dinner anyway for other menus and also tried out this Crispy Tenders with mayo sauce.

After the dinner, we went home for cake cutting ceremony..the mango cake was bought from Uncle Biscuit..

my little nephew is helping his kung kung to blow the candles.  They live together and become very close to each other.
After the birthday songs, Papa is ready to cut the cake..opps forgot to remove the plastic wrapper around the cake.
The cake is moist, fresh and finely done..How I wish I can make a cake like this.
The actual date for Papa's birthday is tomorrow, we celebrated early on last Sunday..
Wishing Papa for more blessed birthdays to come, stay happy, healthy and long life. 

Monday, 18 April 2016

Lunch for Papa on Sundays

Me and my youngest brother take turns sending lunch to our papa on every Sundays.  These 2 months is my turn..our papa is a very complacent person, hardly complain even when he is not pleased on how things happening around him.  He eats what we serve him, he will only give his comments when we ask whether the food is alright, most of the time he would just say "Okay".

We know his favourite dish is roasted pork but we can't be giving roasted pork rice every Sundays, so I try to vary the choices base on my preferences over his favourite. I would usually snap a photo of the lunch that I serve our papa and whatsapp to my siblings letting them know what he is having for lunch.  I would squeeze half a lemon for him to clear the oily meal if I find lemon in the fridge (thanks SIL for buying the lemon :D)..he would complain sour because I only put a small pinch of salt (try to avoid sugar) into the lemon juice.  He would drink it even it's very sour.
toasted pork, char siew rice with a bit of salted egg and salted fish.
fried rice with tauhu pork and chun ken (meat rolled with egg). 
roasted pork and chicken rice 

last week I prepared home cooked food for him, Chinese sausage omelette, sauteed broccoli and carrot with papa is  turning 79 years old this week.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Dad's 77th birthday

Got some ideas of what to cook for dad's birthday from the many cook books as references, my potluck dish is 3 colours capsicum, straw mushrooms with chicken slices, stir fried in Chinese cooking as dad prefers Chinese food over others.
I bought an all time favourite black forest fresh cream cake, the cake is moist and well received by all of us.  
the younger grand children

Friday, 10 December 2010

Dad is coming home

Just a short note to welcome my dad home today.

Yes, my dad finally received a green light from the doctor yesterday allowing him home this morning. I was delighted to receive this good news from my brother upon arriving home yesterday evening. Everyone show a sign of relieve, popping in and out of the hospital is over for us after a week, seems like a long week.

This morning, brother Alfred, happily getting ready to fetch my dad from the hospital. I am sure there are some waiting to get the discharge paper work done in the hospital, payment and collection of medicine from the pharmacy, my father will only be home around noon time.

Now it's time to get ourselves ready for Christmas!

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

When Parent is ill

All of us in the family are taking turns popping in and out of the hospital since last Friday. My dad has been admitted to the hospital again after complaining of diarrhea and felt weak, scare of any eventuality, we decided that sending him to the hospital is the best choice, though my dad refuses to do so.

We hope my dad will be discharged after a day or two of observations but now into the 6th day there is still no indication of letting him out from the hospital. He has started to feel very uncomfortable, impatient and gets annoyed easily because of staying too many days in the hospital. No places are more like at home.

I noticed that many of the sickly old folks are taken care by the hired maid in the hospital now. The family members will only come visit whenever convenient due to work and family commitment. These maids are very eager to take care of a few of the sick people at the same time, basically they stay, eat, bathe and sleep in the hospital. We were approached by a couple of them who wanted to offer their service to take care of my dad, and their charges is RM70.00 a day (24 hours) which is pretty high. The nurses also encourage us to hire the maid so that their work will be lessen or no care needed from them because the hired maid will do most of the stuff for the patient. The nurses will only come round to take blood pressure reading, blood sugar test that kind of routine. A lot of cares are being neglected by the nurses.

I am surprise to know that some nurses do not even know what treatment the patient is going through at this point in time. For example, they just leave the pills on the side table asking my father to take his medicine after breakfast without knowing that his left side body is paralyzed, the pills on the right side table is beyond his reach.

Just hope that my dad will be discharged by tomorrow. We know that he misses his grand children at home very much and they miss their grandpa too..