Showing posts with label magazines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magazines. Show all posts

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Sleeping with Books

Couldn't decide what's the title for this post. Since I am talking about the books just by my bed side, they are as good as sleeping with me, so I just give this post title as Sleeping with Books. I like to read. One could judge by the thick glasses I am wearing.  Books are the knowledge power house for all of us. whether we finish reading the whole book, part of the book or just few pages of it, we will be able to learn something out of it.

These are the books the I am sleeping with.  About half are cook books.  I have confessed before that I love to eat but not a good cook, thus need more cook books to inspire me to be more creative in my cooking.  Other than cook books, I also like to read motivational and business related books.  Will show you my family's collection of books next time.
I realised that the Information technology (IT) advancement is too fast that my knowledge on this area is far lacking behind, I should start reading publications on IT, if not I will be just like those old gadgets becoming "obsolete" soon.   

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Local Female Magazines

I love reading magazines. One of my favourite is Her World Magazine. I bought the November 2009 issue featuring Datuk Yasmin Yussuf on the front cover. It comes with free sample of Shiseido Zen Eau de Parfum 1ml and a packet of May White Radiance Shower Cream. The Shiseido perfum is pretty nice, I have got 2 pieces of the same, one of it came free from a copy of the Female magazine that I bought at the same time.

The copy of the 480 pages thick Female magazine was a big disappointment, most of the pages are advertisements nothing much of interesting write up. It is very much different from what it used to be.

What is your favourite magazines?