Showing posts with label mother's day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mother's day. Show all posts

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Overnight Trip to Mesilau Kundasang - Day 1

We went for an overnight trip at Mesilau Kundasang last weekend, stayed at Kinabalu View Chalet.  Mesilau is the highest accessible point by road at the foot of Majestic Mount Kinabalu.
Our double cab was loaded with the necessities for us to have a comfortable stay at the cool climate.
As usual we had a brief stopover at Tamparuli town to have its famous Tamparuli mee before continuing our journey.  After 2 hours + road journey from Kota Kinabalu, we arrived at the chalet.  Mount Kinabalu was fully covered by thick cloud throughout our journey there, we were unable to have a glimpse of it. 

Our family members occupied the whole 3 chalets, which is good that we can make the noises without disturbing others.  Each chalet has its own kitchen equipped with basic utensils, the set up of the room are very basic with the feel of staying in the kampung.
Not long after arriving, Clet has started to set up the BBQ while waiting for the rest to arrive.  

The only set back of this place is the flies, there are up to thousands of them sticking and flying around.  Even the smoke, flies repellent spray could not chase them away.  We have to cover our food while eating that has totally spoiled my appetite. Those flies disappear when sun set and come back in the morning, yuck!! The same situation happened when we stayed at one of the chalet around that place many years ago.  I was told that this is because of the fertilizer used at the surrounding farms and also the cattle farm nearby.  I believe there must be a way to keep these flies away.
Forgot about the flies.  We walked around taking photos of the flowers in front of the chalet.  

Clet set up the tent for the kids to play but  it is too small for them to stay inside, our kids has grown up my dear.
The highlight of the night was the double celebration of SIL's 50th birthday and Mother's Day.  Both the homemade mango cake and cheese cake are so delicious, I had slices of both cake and hot coffee for dinner.  

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Cake for Mother's Day

It's the time of the year to celebrate Mother's Day. Mother's day falls on the 1st Sunday of May each year, that is 8th May in 2011, if anyone still wondering when is the exact date!!

Bakeries in town are putting up posters and giving out leaflets to promote their respective Mother's Day Cakes Specials. They are all looks super delicious and mouth watering. But I still prefer home baked cake. On this mothering sunday, I will not able to bake a cake for my mum, as we will be busy moving house, everything are in a mess, I am sure she won't mind without a cake, she is not a cake lover, a dinner treat for her is definitely a must.

Saturday, 10 May 2008


Without realising I am posting my 100th post today. I decided to write something relating to mother's day, a special day honouring mothers celebrated on various days around the world. This special day falls on 11th May 2008 in Malaysia. I received two mother's card this year, one from my precious little girl, Crystal, and other one from Dumex. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all mums a very happy mother's day!!

Coloured by Crystal in School. She said she specially picked a pink carnation for me..:)

This one is from Dumex. Crystal and Pearl are very faithful consumers of Dumex since they were born.