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Showing posts with label Indi Blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indi Blogger. Show all posts

Oct 11, 2011

Indi Blogger Meet in Chennai

As i had mentioned in my earlier post, i had been to Indi Blogger Meet in Chennai. This is my first experience of this kind.

I was initially skeptical as i am much of not so socializing kind of person! Roped in my sister as well (who blogs about Photography & Poetry) to join me! The event was scheduled to start at 1:30 PM, we reached the venue by 1:25 PM (Hyatt Regency Chennai was the venue). Registered our presence and were marked on the back of our palm with rubber stamp with the mark - Indi Blogger

Lots of enthusiastic bloggers had arrived earlier! We sat next to Hema & Padmapriya, then Charan joined us to complete the row of seats (5)!

We were given a warm welcome address by the organizers and a huge Tate Grande (sponsors were Tata Motors) was on display inside the meeting hall and there was another one in the welcome lounge!

Ambiance of the venue was too good! Organizers were nice and received all the participants with a smile!

Next up was 49 seconds to fame were a software selected bloggers at random out of the registered bloggers and they had to introduce themselves! as look would have it, my turn also came! Little did i realize till that moment that i could be so nervous just to introduce myself among a crowd of about 200+ people! I was an accomplised orator in my school days! Life as you would have it, has made me in to this person who goes into a cocoon very often these days!

I was taken aback by the response i got for the emphasis of Adithis Amma Sews being a blog about Indian Clothing and Indian fashion. There were also gifts being given away at random with contests like who came to this meet from a place other than chennai, there were people from Bangalore to Delhi!

Out of those poeple who had come from Bangalore, i had a surprise bloggy friend in Meena who got to know me from Patricia's weekly linky party at Colors Dekor! I was truly humbled when she even recollected few of my earlier designs and complimented me for them! So nice of her!

We were given a brief about the Tata Grande vehicle! and about 10 poeple in  2 groups had even test driven it using car pooling from the pre-assigned dealers to the meet venue and they shared their experience of driving it!

We had a high-tea and the spread was scrumptuous, lots of pastries and i guess there was also rolls and stuff, but i did not know as i was busy eating chocolate cake and pies! drowned them off with a cup of tea and i was ready to go back to the meet with new found energy!

We had a session, we were given sheet of namecard like thing, wherein others can write their contacts onto, this way we can keep in touch with more like minded people , people who like your topic of interest, or just plain people who like to be in touch with you, time to make more online friends, and who knows may be even friends for life!

After that we had different lounges to choose from and engage in conversations, there was a lounge on how to monetize your blog, travel lounge, chennai lounge, food lounge (there were loads of food bloggers out there); we (sister and self) decided to join chennai lounge, as we wanted to meet more people who shared the passion for the city of chennai. We had a discussion for about twenty minutes and in this session made few friends as well. Hope to keep in touch with them

Now was the time for the group snap!

We were given our T-shirts and it was time to bid adieu!

Can any post of mine be complete without mention of the outfit?! To mark this occasion i made a white top with cascading ruffles in the morning session and wore it hot off the sewing machine as i got ready to leave for the event! The bottom is cowl pant made using bandhini fabric! Will need a better snap without flash to show the lovely cascading ruffles!

I had a nice time and look forward to this event each year. Please do join Blogger Kootam - Get together of Fashion / Design / Art / Craft bloggers from chennai. Please Click HERE for more details.
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