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Showing posts with label Happy Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Birthday. Show all posts

Nov 6, 2011

Adithi B'day Bash! Sneak Peak!

Darling Daughter turned 5 yesterday and how those 24 hours flew by, i have no idea!

It rained and rained and rained like cats and dogs for the past 3 days and i was praying for some sunshine yesterday, it did shine till noon and then it started drizzling and by evening it was raining heavily, hubby and FIL went to get the cake and got stuck in traffic jam badly for about 1hr 15 min! the guests had arrived and were patiently waiting.

DD was overjoyed as she greeted her school friends (first time she has invited her school friends for her b'day bash, she is growing up fast !)

More snaps are in my sister's cam, just to wrap this post up as i take a deserved half a day's rest ;) is a pic of DD with my best friend's son, i wish to plan better next time (as i end up thinking every year!) to spend more time with guests, as was busy running around taking care of serving food to guests, keeping kids enterained with puzzles and games, the movie i was making with pics of Adithi was done by me after guests arrived, so you can imagine mayhem, and to it heavy doze of rain, it was Complete Mayhem, but at the end of it all, i asked Adithi, did you have fun at the party? did your friends enjoy themselves? she said "YES"and that's all i wanted! her to have a Happy B'day and she did,

there's more this, starting with minor mishaps that she met with in morning session, as they say you 'Kandam'on your b'day! more on this in next post with more pics

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Jul 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Dear Hubby

May god bless you and give you all that you aspire for ; and
those which brings health, happiness and peace to you !
Love you forever my dear.


May 28, 2011

Birthday Gift for my Sister.

My Sister's b'day was on 23rd, remember the little poem (or something similar i had attempted, excuse me its been almost a decade since i wrote a poem!) i dedicated for her b'day. 

Here are the snaps at last. The outfit is made of silk cotton and brocade. Do you feel like you have seen this brocade earlier on Adithis Amma Sews. You are bang on. it is left over from my DD's Birthday Ball Gown, which perfectly went in sync with this dark green silk cotton fabric!

Tried drafting a new pattern by manipulating darts and getting the fit in the form of yoke.  Quite happy with the result. 

Anyone interested in drafting of this style of kameez / dress, if there any takers, shall post a mini-tute on the drafting part of it.


May 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Dear Sister.

Happy Birthday Little Sister Graphi Pictures
Birthday Graphics & Tumblr Backgrounds

Another year rolls by,
A Year which was filled with lots of banter and chatter,
Did i mention endless arguments?!
We grow together as sisters don't we ?! Really ... are we grown up? or still two little sisters fighting over silly things!
Though the time we share together is much less than our childhood days, we have never grown apart. This is one relationship i will cherish forever for its sheer rawness where we face each other unmasked, no pretense, no compulsions, no formalties.

Little sister, Wish you a Happy Birthday. May god bless you with good health, keep you in good spirits and give you joy abound all around. Take care

For all my lovely readers out there, please do wish my sister on her b'day and pray for her health and happiness, Thank you.

Now it's time for b'day present isn't it, and what would a 'sew addict' gift, an outfit ofcourse, i will post action pics soon. watch out.  

Please click here to view the post featuring the Gift i managed to sew for my dear Sister

