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Showing posts with label Deepavali Shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deepavali Shopping. Show all posts

Oct 26, 2010

Dazzling Deepavali - Shopping Part I

The last weekend was dedicated to Deepavali Shopping, though it was tiring, it was fun as well.

Purchased lot of fabrics from Thakurdas Choithram (my fav fabric shop in town) on Saturday and had loads of chat at Gangotree to rejuvenate myself for more shopping on Sunday as well

On Sunday did some shopping for Sarees & Pattu Paavadai Material from RMKV Chennai.

Here is a glimpse of few of those in my stash now, being given special attention for Deepavali ofcourse....

Saree for MIL which is searched with the scrap bit fabric of the material left after finish her blouse... first time i searched for Saree  with a ready blouse to match for... it was exciting

Pallu of MIL's Saree

Kora Saree for Sister (she got one more, will post it later!)

Mom's Silk Blouse which is my Current WIP

Pattu Paavadai for Darling Daughter, 

Will try to do a tute on how to make Pattu Paavadai as i cut & sew this, as it may be a while before i sew another Pattu Paavadai set; why 'coz she already has 2 other new ones (courtesy: Navarathri) and wears it only on festivals or weddings so... they will only be sitting idle in her wardrobe, so no more Pattu Paavadais till she outgrows them... and did you have a look at the Sneak Peak of Tutorials planned, do vote for your choice.The poll is on my sidebar at the top and is open until Deepavali.

Few of the fabrics (Believe me i have got loads of them, will share  it later as busy with Deepavali right now). BTW these fabrics except for green brocade are the ones i plan to use for making the special birthday ball gown for my DD on her b'day which also falls on Deepvaali  day....

The blouse for MIL's saree was finished sometime in September, 

I actually have a story to tell as to how i got the saree for this blouse... 

