Showing posts with label cardigan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cardigan. Show all posts

Sunday, 2 February 2014

The Capaldi look -
breakdown in the Metro blog

There have been a number of press articles online about the new Doctor’s costume, breaking it down into its constituent parts.

One I thought worth showing you is on the Metro-online.
Get the look -
Peter Capaldi’s Doctor Who outfit
It covers each of the items in turn, naming the screen-used garment (not always getting it right) but then does offer some suggestions as to good alternatives - one of which accidentally turns out to be the screen-worn item!!

Even though it is not 100% correct, I thought it worth flagging up, even if only for the alternatives.

The coat
it correctly identifies the Crombie coat, highlighting the accepted closest on offer, the Navy Retro Crombie Coat, slim fit at £795.

It gives a suggested alternative of a Navy Trench Coat from TopMan costing £150.
TopMan - Selected Homme Trench Coat

I really don’t rate this choice at all. it doesn’t have proper lapels;
the back has a yolked shoulder;
and it lacks the red lining.

The Cardigan
This is a curious piece of happenchance. The way the article is written it suggests the John Smedley Merino Woll Cardigan (from John Lewis) at £150, not realising it is actually the screen-worn garment.
John Smedley - Cavendish In Midnight

The Shirt
This is the one disappointment here, as they fail to identify the shirt worn, and suggest a Plain Tailored Shirt from Zara for £29.99 as a throwaway “that will do” option.

The Trousers
Their choice for the trousers are from Riess at £110.
Reiss - Hertford T Dark Navy Pleated Tuxedo Trousers

The Boots
The Metro’s choice for the boots is a bog-standard Doc Marten’s Dr Martens original 8-Eye boots at £100 from - Dr Martens Original 8-Eye Boots

The Capaldi look -
definitive ID on the cardigan

After the initial flurry of activity identifying the components of Peter Capaldi’s costume, the dust is beginning to settle and some more measured IDs are coming to light.

The cardigan is a case in point.

Sometimes there are trends in fashion, such that a number of different designers will draw inspiration from the same source and produce garments with an uncanny similarity.

Fans were quick to notice that Cromie, as well as supplying the coat, also had a cardigan on their website which looks exactly like the screen-worn costume. It made a certain sense that that had been bought from the same supplier.

However, since then an article on the Daily Telegraph website has given a more astute insight into the costume.
It throws aside the Doc Marten’s (as has many fans); it casts some doubt over the exact source of the coat - saying that Crombie can be regarded as a style as well as a maker; and it quiet drops in that Jhn Smedley made the cardigan.

What was that?

Well, digging a little deeper it would appear this is true, as the official John Smedley blog caries a story about the cardigan.
John Smedley blog - I Spy Smedley
It is their Cavendish cardigan in the colourway Midnight from the Autumn/Winter 2013 range, which was briefly available at 40% off.
This offer seems to have expired now, and the cardigan has ben carried forward into their Spring/Summer 2014 range, so at least it is still available.

At time of writing XS, M and L were out of stock.
John Smedley - Cavendish In Midnight

As an aside, the jumpers worn by Christopher Ecceslton were by John Smedley too!

Monday, 27 January 2014

The Capaldi look - a nice warm cardy

As well as wearing a customised Crombie coat, it appears the new Doctor is also sporting a nice warm cardigan - also from Crombie.

It has the same navy colour; the right number of buttons; the same wide waistband at the bottom, with two buttons spaced close together through it.

I’d be surprised if it isn’t the right one!

Well, I m surprised. From new information that’s been posted on the net, it appears the cardigan is by John Smedley. So this Crombie version now merely becomes a good alternative.
Navy Merino Wool Cardigan