Showing posts with label Loake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loake. Show all posts

Sunday, 2 February 2014

The Capaldi look - alternative boots

So now The Doctor’s new look is out there, we know pretty much everything he’s wearing and the price tag attached - which coming at a minimum of £2,000 for the complete costume, is out of the range of most cosplayers.

That said there are always alternatives to give that ensemble look and achieve the correct silhouette.

The screen used boots are by Loakes, but this style of boot is often referred to as DMs (short for Doc Marten’s) in the same way we call a vacuum cleaner a Hoover, regardless of brand.

The hard vinyl sole; high ankle; and rounded top-cap are typical but not exclusive to the Doc Marten’s range.

This means there are alternative makers out there, some in a more budget conscious bracket.

I’ve seen a lot of suggestions for the boots, so here is my pick of the best.

Urban Outfitters - Dr. Martens Affleck Brogue Patent Leather Boot

Scorpio Shoes - Dr Martens Anthony Mens Leather Brogue Boot - Florsheim Gaffney Ltd Gray Milled Leather

Friday, 31 January 2014

The Capaldi look -
definitive ID on the boots

Since the initial BBC press release there has been some speculation on the correct ID for the boots Peter Capaldi is wearing as the Twelfth Doctor.

According to the statement they were Doc Marten’s, but this was quickly question by keen-eyed fans who were more taken with the Loakes Black Smooth Leather Brogue Boot.

This has been debated on the forums for the past couple of days, but now an article has appeared on The Drum website which seems to conclusive prove them to be the Loakes.

Peter Capaldi’s Dr Who boots identified as £215 Loake loafers not Dr. Martens

That will be that then!

Doc Marten boots - BBC correction

In an amazing turn of events, the BBC has issued a statement via their official Twitter feed confirming the boots Peter Capaldi wears are not Doc Martens as their original press release stated.

Twitter / Doctor Who Official
But in a curious Blue Peter-esque way (we were never allowed to see brand names when presenters made fun things out of Corn Flakes packets, or ball point pens) they avoided naming the brand as Loakes, despite the fans having already positively identified them!

It’s not common for the BBC to get involved in such matters, and it never brought itself to correct the mis-information that was issued regarding Matt’s costume when he started.
I guess this is the power of the Twitter generation.

Monday, 27 January 2014

The Capaldi look -
these boots are made for walking

I remember way back in July 2009 when Matt Smith’s costume was first revealed, there was a certain amount of misinformation and assumptions made at the early stages.

In a BBC news article called The fashion police on Doctor Who's new outfit it was said categorically that the boots were from Prada.
This was quickly proved wrong when they were found to be from All Saint (abet copies based on them).

Well, the same seems to already have happened with the new Capaldi look, with the boots being stated as Dr Marten’s, which you’d be forgiven for thinking they were.

But closer inspection has found that they are actually by Loake.
Loake - Black Smooth Leather Brogue Boot

These are certainly a much better match than anything the iconic Dr Marten’s make themselves.