Showing posts with label Topman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Topman. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

TOPMAN Ladder jumper - the last rung

As per usual, it looks like the last of the BLACK Ladder Crew Neck Jumpers from Topman are now sold old, both online and in-store.

Personally I came across a stone colourway in their Hemel Hempstead store, and at the time I saw it they were still available online.

No link I’m afraid, by the time I got to write this, they had gone and Topman had removed the page.

But while the page was up I did download the detail shots of the jumper for reference.

What I will say is that having seen a number of the jumpers together at the same time, the holes and laddering are 100% consistent between jumpers. that is to say they are identically placed and shaped - probably knitted in as a pattern, and are not randomly applied  during manufacture - ie by some mangle that distresses the jumpers on the fly.

So although the jumper in this posting is most definitely not the right colourway, I thin the photos show the holes and ladders to a higher level of detail than the images of the black version.

You can see the holes and ladders towards the bottom of the jumper a lot clearer in the stone version.

Having taken some professional advise, one final point - it should be noted that the jumpers are made of 50% Acrylic 50% Viscose, rather than the high-end wool used to make the Paul Smith jumper which these are somewhat of a rip-off of.

This means they will NOT take to dyes - the acrylic content will just shrug the dye off, no matter what type you use.

So please don’t buy one of these light coloured jumpers thinking you can dye it to black - it just won’t work.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

TOPMAN Burgundy Slub Longline T-Shirt

Opinion online seems to be that the dark red t-shirt at the bottom of Peter’s look for the Valencia filming is, like the jumper, from Topman.

They seem to still be available on the Topman website, and presumably inistore.

As ever, catch them while you can!

TOPMAN - Burgundy Slub Longline T-Shirt

TOPMAN Moth Distressed Knit - detailed pictures

Before the images disappear from the internet forever, I thought I’d share with you the official detailed views of the new Moth Distressed jumper Peter is wearing for series ten.

Here is the back of the jumper.

The jumper is an amazing rip-off of the Paul Smith original, but I guess it is sufficiently different to avoid a copyright lawsuit!

And here is a close up, showing the distressed holes a bit better.

I’m kinda surprised no-one noticed it as an alternative the the Paul Smith shirt before it got used in Doctor Who itself.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Moth Distressed -
the US name for LADDERED!

If you have missed out on getting your hands on the new hole-ridden jumper from Topman in the UK, there’s a chance you can still secure one - in the US!

An America online reseller still appears to have stock - but just to confuse things they have renamed the jumper as the MOTH DISTRESSED LONG SLEEVE KNIT, as opposed to the original UK name, Black ladder Crew Neck.

If you want to find one I suggest you act soon as they are likely to be sold out before you can say Raxacoricofallapatorious!!!

NORDSTROM - Topman Moth Distressed Long Sleeve Knit T-Shirt

Saturday, 30 July 2016

TOPMAN black ladder crew neck

I’ve been reading rumours that Peter is wearing a notable new jumper.

You may remember that from the middle of series eight Peter started wearing an ill-fitting and looking black jumper from Paul Smith.

Full of designer holes it was well over £300 when bought new at their stores and having only been made in limited numbers, was quickly sold out.

it’s not uncommon for other retailers to pick up on new trends and style and produce their own version of garments. This has been useful to cosplayers in the past when it has been possible to find cheaper versions of look-a-like garments in stores two or three seasons down the line.

What appears to have happened is Topman have followed this pattern and made their own version of the Paul Smith jumper, calling it their Black Ladder Crew Neck Jumper, and it is this that has been picked up by Hayley Nebauer for the latest look The Doctor is sporting for filming in Valencia.
I have heavily brightened the cropped image to the left so you can see the holes showing through the deep red t-shirt below.
As is typical for new costume garments, the jumper is already sold out online, but I have been reading that in-store stocks are still around if you are willing to do the footwork to track one down.

At the moment that seems to be the only option.

TOPMAN - Black Ladder Crew Neck Jumper

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Sonic shades on a budget

If you’re on the look out for a pair of genuine Ray-Ban Wayfarers - sorry sonic shades - one of my readers has spotted somewhere to get them a shade cheaper. Sorry about the pun.

Topman - the source of Matt Smith’s series five skinny jeans - currently has genuine Ray-Ban available on their website.

TOPMAN - Ray-Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses
These are £10 cheaper than the official Ray-Ban price on their own website.

And if you are wondering what to do with the £10 you saved - you can always blow the lot on a pair of Topman’s own brand sunglasses - which are a dead ringer for the Ray-Bans!

TOPMAN - Black 50s Classic Sunglasses
I’m sure the shape of the glasses differ only for copyright reasons, but otherwise they are a superb alternative if you are on a tight budget!