Showing posts with label Radio Times Festival 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Radio Times Festival 2015. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Ticket BREEZE - Radio Times Festival

Today I heard about a three day event being run by the Radio Times.

Radio Times Festival
24 - 27 September 2015
Taking place in the tranquil surrounding of Hampton Court Palace, the Radio Times Festival is the first such event and has attracted a Stella list of celebrities and powers that be to give a range of talks and seminars.

With the Radio Times' close association with Doctor Who down the years, it goes without saying there are two seminars of particular interest, both on the Friday of the event:
DOCTOR WHO - 2:30-3:30
Doctor Who holds a unique place in British popular culture. Here, the Doctor himself, Peter Capaldi, is joined by creative chief Steven Moffat and executive producer Brain Minchin to talk Time Lords, Daleks and Cybermen. Together, they will reveal the inner workings of the Whoniverse.
RUSSELL T DAVIES - 4:00-5:00
From busting social taboos with dramas such as Queer as Folk to inspiring the reboot of Doctor Who, Russell T Davies is one of Britain's most innovative screenwriters. Here he explains how he made the journey from Swansea schoolboy to one of the leading creative voices in television.
As a subscriber to the Radio Times, I get the chance to book my tickets early, so I went on the website; choose the two events; paid my money; got my email confirmation. That was painless.

Why can't all events with headline names like this be as easy to book?

An extra seminar has been added to the programme. I may as well book for this too!
Join Simon Guerrier and Dr Marek Kukula, authors of The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who, as they explore the possibilities of time travel, life on other planets, artificial intelligence, parallel universes and more. Using clips from the acclaimed series, they will show how science has inspired Doctor Who, and how, on occasion, it has come remarkably close to predicting future discoveries.