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--A reward of ten dollars each will be paid for the apprehension and delivery in the City Jail, or at the Midlothian Mines, in Chesterfield county; of the following named Negro men — viz: Ellic, belonging to J. S. Middleton; Bob and Jim, to E. Green; Joe and Jim. to Hill Bradford;, Joe,to Mrs. Mary Fox; Robert, to J. C. Spindle; Jacob, to Lawrence Muse; John, to Nat. Tyler; William to Mr. Brown; Edward, to J. C. Crump; William, to B. D. Roy; Iverson, to J. S. Lacy; Edwin, to Joseph H. Poindexter; Henry, to Andrew E. Ellett; Joe, to Dr. G. M. Pollard; Jacob to Julia Coghill; Joe, to James H. Panamore; Joe, to J. K. Dabney; Charles, to Dr. Wm. Taliaferro; Ralph, to Mrs. E. W. Roy; Henry, to Jno. P. Tabb; Marcellus, to P. T. Burrus; William, to J. W. Winston; Rocker, to Midlothian Company. Should any of the above Negroes have returned to their homes, the owners will please advise me, or if impressed into public service information as to their location will be thankfully received by Jno. C. Stanard, Sec'y

Midlothian Coal Mining Company.

je 14--d6t&sw2t

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