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A brave act.

Among the many individual acts of bravery and daring displayed by our soldiers at the battle of Chickahominy, we would record the action of Private Dabbins, (Richardson's ‘"Vicksburg Sharpshooters,"’) of the 12th Mississippi volunteers, who under a terrific fire of canister and grape, participated with his regiment in assailing and capturing the Yankee 6-gun battery, and immediately turned the pieces on the foe, causing much destruction.--After, or during the flight of the enemy, Private Dabbins rushed to Gen. Casey's headquarters and seized his many private papers — among other things capturing his private correspondence with the War Department at Washington, his daughter's letters, specifications of their strength, position, location of men and old roads, probable reinforcements, accounts of Union spies, &c. Private Dabbins underwent great peril in making this successful and important capture. The papers were duly handed over to the proper authorities, and it is but justice thus to commemorate a gallant and praiseworthy action.

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