A letter from the Vatican, dated July 13th, states that the Pope's health is now perfectly restored, and that he either drives out or takes a long walk almost every day.
Hon. Edward Lloyd, sen., an eminent citizen of Talbott county, Maryland, died on Sunday last.
A Republican member of the Iowa Legislature made $34,000 out of his contract to clothe the State volunteers.
George Edward Rice, a Boston lawyer, shot himself on Sunday in the boarding-house of Mr. David Reed, Roxbury, Massachusetts.
Lieut. Col. Tyler, of the Confederate service, who was arrested in Cincinnati a few days ago, is to be imprisoned in Fort Lafayette.
It is stated that Adelina Patti is married to Mr. Rothschild, nephew of one of the great bankers.
Ex-Mayor Walter R. Danforth, of Providence, R. I., died a few days ago.
The Duke of Buckingham died recently in England.