Confederate States of America; Eastern District of Virginia.O. S.
--Whereas, a label has been filed in the District Court of the Confederate States of America. for the Eastern District of Virginia, on the 12th day of July, 1861. by Capt. George N. Hollins, a commissioned officer of the Confederate States Navy, and late Commander of the prize steamer the St. Nicholas, on behalf as well of the Confederate States, as of himself and of the officers and crew of the prize crew as aforesaid, against the schooner Margaret of New York, her cackle, apparel, furniture and cargo, and praying process against said schooner and cargo; and that the said schooner her tackle, apparel, and furniture and cargo may be condemned as forfeited and sold to be distributed as by law directed and provided.Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the seal of the said Court, to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming the said schooner, her tackle, apparel and furniture and cargo, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the said District' Court to be held in the city of Richmond, in and for the Eastern District of Virginia on the 12th day of August next, at 11 o'clock A. M., (provided the same shall be a day of jurisdiction; otherwise, on the next day of jurisdiction thereafter,) then and there to interpose their claims and to make their allegations in that behalf
P. H. Aylett, C. S. Dist. A. t'y.
and Proctor for Libelants. jy 29--3t