The great victory.
The Dispatch this morning presents to its readers for the most interesting and instructive sketches of the great victory at Manassas that we have published. The long and connected account of the general battle, from a gallant officer of another State, who bore a conspicuous part in the grand struggle, will attract universal attention. The eloquent sketches of the actions of the Eighth Georgia and the North Carolina Fifth infantry regiments, which embrace a glowing tribute to the lamented Bartow, will be read with deep interest, we are sure. Nor will there be less gratification in the perusal of the account of the pursuit of the flying Federalists by our intrepid cavalry. This account, given by an intelligent and obliging correspondent, is the first narrative of the concluding scene of the grand victory which has reached us. Much anxiety has been expressed to see something about it, and we are glad to have it in our power to place this sketch before the reader.