Mr. Mason (Va) offered a resolution of inquiry, requesting the Secretary of War to give the Senate a copy of any orders issued from the Department to the officers commanding the fortifications of South Carolina, since the 1st of November; also, a copy of any plans or recommendations relative to increasing the forces or otherwise in the forts and arsenals in Virginia, or any States of the South, by the Commander-in-Chief, and if any action or orders have been issued in pursuance thereto. Laid over.
Mr. Sumner (Mass.) offered a petition from Moses Gale, of Massachusetts, asking that an amendment to the Constitution be made, that it may recognize the existence of a God.
Mr. Slidell's resolution to expel the reporters of the Associated Press from the Reporter's gallery, was taken up.
After a brief discussion, Mr. Slidell withdrew it.
Mr. Seward (N. Y.) presented the petition of many citizens of New York, asking for the passage of the Pacific Railroad bill.
On motion of Mr. Gwin, the Pacific Railroad bill (House bill) was taken up and amended, but not acted on.
House--Not in session.