The Markets.
Receipts of flour 5,936 bbls. Wheat 4,044 bushels. Corn 3,700 bushels.
Sales in New York, Jan. 5th, of $2,000 Va. 6's at 76½; $4,000 do. at 76 and $2,000 Tenn. 6's at 76.
Baltimore, Jan. 5.--Flour firm; Howard and Ohio $5.50@5.75; City Mills $6. Wheat quiet: red $1.25@1.31; white $1.58@1.60. Corn steady at 60@65 for new white and yellow. Provisions steady: Mess pork $16.50; lard 10¼. Whiskey dull and nominal at 18¾@19 cents.
Mobile, Jan. 4--Sales of Cotton to-day 3,500 bales, at 11@11¼ for Middlings. Sales of the week 22,000 bales; receipts 18,500 bales, against 34,500 bales for the same time last year. Decrease in receipts 144,385 bales. Exports for the week 24,500 bales. Stock in port 148,500 bales. Freights to Liverpool 21-32@11-16, to Havre 1 3/8. Sterling Exchange 2 per cent. premium. Bills on New York ¼ discount.