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St. James' Church

--We are informed by a friend who was at St. James' Church on First Day, that the sermon delivered by the Rev. T. Grayson Dishield, on that occasion, was most solemn and impressive, as well as eloquent, and was listened to with deep attention by the large congregation. He reminded all of the impending dangers and troubles, and urged them in a manner which seemed to touch every heart, to offer up their prayers to God, acknowledge their ingratitude, confess their sins and iniquities, an ask him for power to redeem the country from its present disastrous condition, and restore to it harmony and peace. The sermon was plain, firm and decided, and all who heard it were touched by its solemn and Christian-like tone. But few could restrain the silent tear, which manifested the feeling of their hearts.

A brief and impressive address was also delivered by the rector of the Church, the Rev. Mr. Peterkin, whose ministrations have given him a rank among the first clergymen of the South.

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