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Fatal affray in Elizabeth city

--The municipal election at Elizabeth City, N. C., on Monday last, resulted in the choice of Dr. Rufus K. Speed over Mr. Cohoon, the present incumbent of the Mayoralty. The election was hotly contested, and was marked by a fatal affray at the polis, the following particulars of which were furnished to the Norfolk Herald by a correspondent. The Messrs. Pooles are both young men and natives of Baltimore:

‘ About 12 o'clock M., between Messrs. John W. and Walter C. Poole, and Julius C. Dashiell and Henry Culpeper and others, revolvers were freely used-seven or eight shots being fired, and causing a general stampede of persons around and near the polls. Culpeper received a mortal wound, the ball entering near the centre of his forehead and perforating the brain. Two balls passed through his hat. John W. Poole was shot at by Culpeper, and so closely that the powder took effect in his face. W. C. Poole was cut at by some one with a knife, ripping his coat open just in front of the abdomen. The affray is considered as growing out rather of an old fond, than of the election. The evidence before a Court of Investigation is very contradictory as to who fired the shot by which Culpeper was wounded. It matters but little, however, as public opinion generally excuses the killing of Culpeper, he having fired the first shot. The other parties named were, however, held to bail in the sum of $1,000 each. During the affray, Mr. Garner, editor of the Southron, was accidentally pushed from the stair-steps leading to the polls, and had his shoulder dislocated by the fall. Culpeper died from the effects of the wound.

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