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Outrageous Robbery.

--A few nights ago, Miss Stephenson, living with her uncle (Capt. Gracle) in Pittsburg, Pa.,was awakened by persons in her room, who were evidently intent on the robbing of her trunks. She lay awake quietly and heard them. One suggested that she might wake up; the other said, "apply the stuff, then;" the first and more timid remonstrated lest it might kill her; "well," said the other, "let it kill her, then." So the vial of chloroform was emptied on her face and head, sickening without stupefying her. She had already discovered that the leader was her own brother, and after they had got her watch, diamond pin, jewelry and-most of her money, (some $60 being undiscovered) they went off, and she followed them, calling her brother back in vain. Next day she had them arrested and locked up. Her brother is only about fifteen years old, and was attending school in that city.

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