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The Civil war in Mexico.

--The Rio Grande Sentinel, summing up the latest news from Mexico, says:

‘ The fall of Guadalajara and the incorporation of the forces of Gen.Castillo with those of the Liberal army, and the subsequent defeat of Gen.Marquez, leave but little doubt of the success of the defenders of the Constitution of 1857. From the most reliable accounts, the Constitutional or Liberal army now numbers 20,000 men, with 160 pieces of artillery.--The whole of the force was, at last accounts, concentrating around the city of Mexico, the only point now left in possession of Miramon, who was confined to the capital, while his enemies had advanced to the very environs of the city. Great circumspection is necessary now that the victory has perched upon the Liberal banners, or the very readjusting the machinery of government may, and doubtless will, be the occasion of new discords and contentions. We look with some anxiety for the news from the interior.

’ The forces recently investing Guadalajara begun their march upon the capital on the 8th ult. The next arrival will, therefore, probably bring us something stirring from Mexico.

Gov. Garza, of the State of Tamaulipas, had issued his proclamation for the choice of Presidential electors the first and third Sunday of January. The new Congress or College will meet in the city of Mexico, the third Sunday of February, 1861, in accordance with the terms of the Constitution of 1857.

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