Financial panic in Cuba.
--The Diario dela Marina, of the 5th inst., contains the proceedings of a second meeting held by the principal merchants and bankers at the Captain General's palace on the 3d inst., for the purpose of considering such precautionary measures as the influence of the commercial troubles in the United States might render necessary. Both meetings were presided over by the Captain General, who announced that he was ready to contribute, with all the assistance in his power, to the adoption of such measures as should be considered indispensable to avoid any difficulties. The committee appointed at the first meeting submitted a report, embodying requests to His Excellency to urge upon the Bank of Spain to realize, as soon as possible, the circulation of four million of dollars in bank notes, as authorized by the Queen in a special decree granted in 1859; to grant her authorization for the issue of from four to six millions of dollars in bond, notes or coupons; to recommend the establishment by the Home Government of a mint in the Island for the coinage of silver coin and the granting permission to the banking institutions and railroad companies of Cuba to issue paper in the same manner as is done by similar institutions in Spain.