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The test case between Kentucky and Ohio.

--The following is given as an explanation of the case commenced in the Supreme Court of the United States by the Governor of Kentucky. A test case is to be made of the refusal of Governor Dennison, of Ohio, to deliver up the man Lago, charged with enticing slaves from Kentucky. The Statesman says:

‘ Some time ago a man, named Lago, was indicted in the Woodford Circuit Court for enticing a slave to escape from his owner. Lago escaped, and took refuge in Ohio. Governor Magoffin made a requisition upon Governor Dennison, of Ohio, for the return of the fugitive from justice. Governor Dennison refused to issue his warrant for the arrest and surrender of Lago, upon the ground that, by the laws of Ohio, negroes are not property, and that he did not recognize the act committed by Lago as an offence. We understand the Attorney General of Kentucky, assisted by able counsel, will, at the request of Governor Magoffin, institute in the United States Supreme Court such steps as they may think most available to coerce a compliance with the Constitution by Governor Dennison. Failing in that, additional legislation will be asked from Congress to provide for similar cases. The subject will be pushed to a final settlement, and the question determined whether the wrong is really without remedy.

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