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First Regiment N. C. Volunteers.

--Seven hundred men, the balance of the First Regiment North Carolina Volunteers, part of which has been encamped for several days at Howard's Grove, arrived in Richmond via Petersburg Railroad, at 11 o'clock Tuesday night, and proceeded immediately to camp. The South need not wish to have a better armed or more determined set of men than these from the Old North State. The following is a list of the regimental and company officers;--D. H. Hill, Colonel Commanding; C. C. Lee, Lieut. Colonel;--Lane, Major. J. L. Bridges, Edgecomb, Captain Edgecomb Guards; W. I. Hoke, Southern Star, Lincoln county; L. S. Williams, Captain Hornet's Nest Rifles;--Bell, Captain Enfield Blues; W. W. McDowell, Captain Buncombe Rifles; C. M. Avery, Captain Burke Rifles;--Ross, Captain Charlotte Greys; Richard Ashe, Captain Craig Light Infantry; Wright Huske, Captain L. F. Light Infantry, Fayetteville; J. B. Starr, Captain L. F. Light Infantry, Fayetteville. The Regiment, all told, numbers about 1,100 men.

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