E. H. Walker, produce dealer in Faneull Hall Market, Boston, having expressed himself friendly to the South, was mobbed last Saturday night. He was half drowned with water, compelled to pay $100 to the war fund, and then let go.
A young lady has discovered the reason why married men, from the age of thirty years and upwards, are more or less bald: they scratch the hair off in dismay at their wives' long milliner's bills!
The Federal authorities at New Albany, Indiana, have seized a barrel of starch belonging to a man in that city, as contraband of war.
It is stated that Senator Wade, of Ohio, has gone to Fort Monroe as a private, "and proposes to make a tour of inspection."
The mammoth fountain at the Park, New York, has been transformed into a bathing establishment for the troops quartered there.
Hon. Dennett H. Mays, a prominent member of the Florida Legislature, died on the 10th inst.
Another fight for the "championship of England" will take place on the 25th of June, between Hurst and Mace.
England exports nearly six hundred thousand barrels of beer every year. Australia and India takes about half of that quantity.
A man named Glover was executed at Greensboro', N. O., on the 17th instant, for killing his wife.