Election to-day.
We need scarcely remind the public that to-day is the day of voting on the Ordinance of Secession, and that every citizen is expected to do his duty. There is no living man in America, who has ever been called on to give a vote which should make him as proud of possessing the right of suffrage, and which he should be as eager to record. Every man who votes to-day for the Ordinance of Secession is a signer of the second Declaration of Independence, and will aid in finishing the work which George Washington begun. The first Declaration has only resulted in a change of masters,--a change from the arbitrary King of a constitutional Government to the tyrannical head of a Republican despotism. We are threatened with the spoliation of every right and prerogative, and even badge of freedom, which were accomplished by the toils and blood of our fathers in a seven years war,--with a deeper and more infamous subjugation than England ever dreamed of visiting upon America. Let us decide to-day whether we will be freemen or slaves.