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§ 85. Farewell, then, to my so-called brother; while I turn to my true friends, the jury, and appeal to them not to allow me to be laughed to scorn by my own servants and by those who cringe to them, like Stephanus.—My father was a great benefactor to the state, and it would hardly be creditable to yourselves that his son should suffer wrong.

δἐομαι...ἀντιβολῶ...ἱκετεύω Cf. § 1.

τοῖς τούτου κόλαξιν i.e. Stephanus and his friends (not excluding Pasicles).

ἐπίχαρτον Thuc. III 67; Plat. Ep. 8, 356 B, βαρβάροις ἐπίχαρτος γενόμενοςDemosthenes non dixit’ (Lortzing, Apoll. p. 91). ἐπιχαίρειν occurs in Dem. 9 § 61 and 21 § 134.

ἀσπίδας The father, Pasion, had a shield manufactory, as we learn from Or. 36 § 4.

πολλὰπαρέσχε 36 § 49.

ἐπιδοὺς Used of voluntary free gifts for state purposes (ἐπιδόσεις, Or. 17 § 171, 21 § 161) opp. to εἰσφέρειν. See Boeckh, P. E. Book IV, chap. 17, p. 759 Lamb, and Cambridge Companion to Greek Studies, § 429. Or. 21 § 165 ἑκὼν ἐπιδοὺς τριήρη. The system of voluntary trierarchiesbegan in 357 B.C.; cf. 18 § 99.

ἐτριηράρχησε τριηραρχίας At first sight this is an exception to the usual idiom, whereby a cognate accusative is not used after a verb except with an adjective. Or. 28 § 3 χορηγεῖ καὶ τριηραρχεῖ καὶ τὰς ἄλλας λειτουργίας λειτουργεῖ. But the clause πέντε τριηρεῖς ἐθελοντὴς ἐπιδοὺς is virtually an adjectival phrase descriptive of the nature of the trierarchies. Thus, m English we do not say ‘he fought a fight’ by itself, but ‘he has fought a good fight.’ (See Mayor on dicta dicere and servitutem serviunt Cic. Phil. II § 42, where the absence of the adj. is explamed by the sense of the acc. being different from that of the governing verb and therefore cognate in form alone.) ‘Speciose Reiskius ε_ ἐτριηράρχησε τριηραρχίας i.e. πέντε’ Dobree. Compare Antiphon 5 § 77 καὶ χορηγίας ἐχορήγει καὶ τέλη κατετίθει, Andoc. 1 § 73 εὐθύνας ὦφλον ἄρξαντες ἀρχάς, Dem. 18 § 114, 24 § 150. Kuhner's Gk Gr. II p. 265 n. 3, Lobeck's Paralipomena p. 501—538, and Rehdantz, indices s.v. etymologica figura, where it is shown that this use of the cognate accusative is specially frequent in legal and constitutional phrases. On the trierarchal services of Apollodorus, see note on Or. 36 § 41.

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hide References (4 total)
  • Commentary references from this page (4):
    • Demosthenes, Against Midias, 165
    • Demosthenes, Against Aphobus 2, 3
    • Demosthenes, For Phormio, 4
    • Demosthenes, For Phormio, 41
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