Showing posts with label Iowa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iowa. Show all posts

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Follow Me Around: Patriotic Fun + Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July!!!!

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Fourth of July! I had a super great time staying with my friend Cassidy in Bettendorf, Iowa. As her family said I had a "Old fashion small town 4th of July". Our fourth was filled with swimming, me burning, going to there street fest, and watching the fireworks. It was one of the best fourths yet! 

While I was there Cassidy and I picked up these American flag boxers at Target because we were planning our Halloween costumes already..... Then we decided to wear them around the rest of the day. They are a clone of all of the American flag shorts guys wear so we felt pretty cool and hey they are super patriotic. We took a punch of srat pictures with them on so I hope you enjoy! 


Shirt: Spirit Jersey 
Shorts: Target (Mens section) 
Hat: Ralph Lauren Polo 

A trip to Bettendorf is not complete without a visit to Whitey's! Its their ice cream place and it is so good!!!

On the 4th we spent the day swimming which was super fun! I haven't swam in probably over a year.... I know I don't get out much. But it was super fun laying by the pool and swimming with some of my Pi Phi sisters. 

Swimsuit- Victoria Secret 
Hat: Ralph Lauren Polo 
Cassidy's Swimsuit- Target 
Anne's Swimsuit- Primark 

Here are some more pictures from the Fourth! We went to her town's "street fest" and then just hung out at Cassidy's house. 

Tank: Aerie 
Shorts: Urban Outfitters 
Sandals: Target 
Earrings: Kate Spade 

On Instagram you can see my America inspired nails! My Instagram is @miranda_pollitt19

I hope you all had a fabulous 4th! Let me know in the comments what you did on the 4th of July this year :) 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Follow Me Around: Iowa Adventures pt. 2

Iowa Again!
This past weekend I traveled down to Iowa, again, to visit my good friend Cassidy. I'm sure if you have been reading my blog you know who she is! 
We had a nice relaxing weekend in Iowa and it was so good to see her after 3 weeks (it doesn't seem long but it felt like forever!). While we were in Iowa we went to a lot of cute little cafes, restaurants, and I met a bunch of people from her home town. 

Here is Cafe Fresh which was in Moline, IL! I had a lovely steak wrap and it was super yummy. The decor of the restaurant was also beyond darling. I love this sign that was leaning up again the outside. They had a bunch of cute little chalkboards like this. 

The next morning we went out to breakfast with some of our Pi Phi sisters that live in the area! I had the waffle breakfast at the Indigo Cafe and it was very tasty. Around where I live there are NO good breakfast places so I was impressed with this delicious meal. Not to mention you got a lot for your money! 

Here is a picture from one of our nights. Yes we are very weird I know!

 The next day I went to one of Cassidy's family friends graduation parties, drove around, and went to see "the river" as they call it. Also known as the Mississippi river. We took a few cute pictures on the dock because we have to take pictures everywhere we go! 

On the last night we went and saw Maleficent which was AMAZING! I have been wanting to see it and it definitely met my expectations. I wont' ruin the movie for you but it for sure was not what I expected. They turn the story in a very interesting view of Maleficent and I love how they tied the cartoon movie in with this film. Overall, I would highly suggest you go see it! And lets be honest who isn't a sucker for a Disney movie?

Well that was my weekend in Iowa! What did you do over your weekend? Whatever it was I hope it was fabulous :) 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

OOTD: Orange and Stripes

As you may have read earlier this outfit is from my trip to Bettendorf, Iowa for Easter break. It was a gorgeous day so I ditched the coat and boots for a more spring ensemble. I paired a fun pair of orange pants with a simple striped tee. To spice it up I wore my new J Crew statement necklace. The necklace features a orange color which accents the color of the pants. For shoes I stole my friends Tory Burch sandals and I am kind of obsessed with them. But, no worries I did give them back to her. 

This look is super fun and also very preppy. I plan to wear fun preppy looks like this all summer long and I cannot wait.

Where it's from: 
Shirt: J Crew 
Pants: J Crew (kids section) 
Necklace: J Crew 
Bracelets: Alex and Ani, J Crew, and C Wonder 
Watch: Michael Kors 
Sandals: Tory Burch (borrowed from my friend :) ) 
Sun glasses: Betsey Johnson 
Bag: Kate Spade 


Follow Me Around: Iowa Adventures

For Easter weekend I was lucky enough to go to my best friends hometown Bettendorf, Iowa! We did a lot of shopping and some catching up with our moms. So in other words we had a much needed girls day. We got lunch at a cool mexican restaurant called the Blue Iguana then roamed around their downtown Le Clair area. We went into a super cute boutique and I found some great pieces! (you will see them in an OOTD very soon I'm sure) 

We ran into a super fun flag background so naturally we had to take a few cute pictures! 

Overall, the weekend was the perfect break from a hectic and emotional week. It was just the short get away I needed to help me get through these last few weeks of school. 

{Me posing in front of a super cute popcorn shop!}

{Every cute background calls for an arrow picture!}


Saturday, September 14, 2013

OOTD: School Spirit | Without a T-shirt

September 13th, 2013: 

The Outfit: I am not the biggest fan of wearing a t-shirt around. But, this weekend is the Iowa State vs Iowa game. So basically the biggest weekend of college for us at Iowa State. So, I had to show my school spirit in some way. I chose to wear this denim button down shirt with bright red skinny jeans. Along with that I paired a yellow flower statement necklace. Together red and yellow are our school colors. So if you like me and you don't like t-shirts recreate this look with your school colors! 

All you need is...... 
  1. Colored skinny jeans that represent your school. 
  2. A statement necklace in a different school color. 
  3. Then just a basic top!
This look is super simple and would be perfect for game day or around campus. Remember you are not obligated to wear a t-shirt. Dress up and have fun when it comes to school spirit! 

Where it's from: 
Shirt: Dry Goods 
Jeans: American Eagle 
Shoes: Keds 
Necklace: Khols 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

College Diaries: Zombie Burger | Des Moines, IA

Zombie Burger:
Des Moines, IA 

On Sunday my friends and I drove to Des Moines to try the famous Zombie Burger. Since I'm not from Iowa I am unaware of all these traditional food places. However, if you are EVER in Iowa you have to go to zombie burger. 
I have never tasted food so good let me tell you! They specialize in crazy and unique burgers and they may sound gross but boy are they delicious. I got a burger with barbecue sauce, bacon, caramelized onions, ranch, and cheddar cheese. It was probably one of the best burgers I have ever had by far. Then they had the most amazing french fries. I highly suggest the cheese fries. Normally I am not a cheese fry person but I devoured them! Then I also got a Berry Crunch milkshake. In other words I had a shake with captain crunch berry cereal in it. It sounds gross but it was so delicious. 

Overall this place is amazing and if your in Iowa you have to go! 

Instagram Posts: 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

College Diaries: Day 1 | Road Trip, exploring, and dinner.

College Diaries: Road Trip, Exploring, and Dinner
Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for getting behind on my blog. I have been rushing all week and moving into my dorm room so things have been CRAZY to say the least! But here are some pictures of college adventures so far. 

Friday August 16th: 
So this was the day I moved in before school. My parents and I went to a nice dinner and explored the campus a little bit! 

My new home at school. Can't wait to get started with everything! 

My car was packed to say the least! This isn't even everything I took. A friend of mine brought a U-Haul so she brought some of my stuff. I was pretty squished but I need my stuff. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do right? 

This is my road trip attire. I think dresses are just the most comfortable thing but hey that's just me. 
Where it's from: 
Dress: My friend brought back from Taiwan
Shoes: Keds
Necklace: Dry Goods 
Bracelets: Dry Goods and Alex and Ani
Sunglasses: Dry Goods   

This was my dinner at the restaurant we ate at in Ames. The restaurant is super good and has a lot of specials and everything is locally grown. 

Stay tuned for more College Diaries there are many more to come!