Who doesn't love a throwback?
So, my freshman year of college is over and done. Like most years, this year has been a roller coaster of high highs and low lows. But, this year has been one of the best years of my entire life. I have met some incredible people and formed long lasting friendships. I know what your thinking, everyone says that about college. However, I actually mean it! The friends I have made this year I know will last me a lifetime. People have come in and out of my life this year for certain reasons, but the people I ended the year with I know are good and caring friends.
College has given me so many incredible opportunities. From working on Freshman Council, being an executive member of Trend magazine as a freshman, to writing style articles for the Iowa State Daily. Everything I am doing and working on I know will help me achieve my future dreams of working in the fashion industry. Iowa Sate has led me to a great internship this summer at Purely Fashion and I am only a freshman! I can't wait to see where else this school takes me in the next four years.
Although there were many tears and melt downs that took place this year there were way more laughs and smiles. This year wasn't an easy one, but looking at the positive things that have happened is way more fun then dwelling on the past!
Here are some of my favorite throwbacks from this past year at Iowa State :)
Me leaving for Iowa State! Yes I had a full car load and had a friend take the stuff that didn't fit....
Bid day! Being a Pi Beta Phi is one of the highlights of this year. Without it I don't think I could have survived.
My first Iowa State football game! Our team may not be the best but the games are always a good time.
My pledge class taking a trip to the apple orchard/ pumpkin patch. Nothing says Iowa then a big room filled with corn right?
Getting this girl as my Big was way to lucky! I don't know what I would do without her.
Initiation night at Pi Phi! It was an amazing feeling to know I was officially a Pi Phi.
Attending Teen Vogue Fashion University for the second year in a row was a great experience. Going a second time I had a better idea of what to ask and what to do. I learned so much and it gave me so much motivation to continue my pursuit of a career in fashion.
It was great to see my parents for Family/ Dad's weekend! My Dad was working his arrow pose too.
Homecoming was such a blast! Here is my big and I participating in Yell Like Hell an Iowa State tradition. (Don't ask why we paint our bodies I couldn't tell you!)
My very first house party! The theme was family game night and we went as operation.
Here is a shot from our Pi Phi Christmas party! It was fun getting together and being festive with all of my sisters.
Winter break included a visit from my best friend and one of my favorite vacations to date. We went on a Disney cruise and I have never had so much fun. I made some great friends while away at sea. It sucked having to come back to reality after such a great trip!
Mom's weekend was a great break from the dorms! I spent the whole weekend shopping and dinning with my Mom. (Also notice in the picture all you can see is my head! Short girl problems to the max.)
Formal with one of my best guy friends was a great time!
And lastly, Greek Week was such a great experience. It was fun to come together as a community and we had a great pairing on top of it!
Those are my favorite memories from freshman year! Hope you enjoyed a look back on this #TBT.