Iowa Again!
This past weekend I traveled down to Iowa, again, to visit my good friend Cassidy. I'm sure if you have been reading my blog you know who she is!
We had a nice relaxing weekend in Iowa and it was so good to see her after 3 weeks (it doesn't seem long but it felt like forever!). While we were in Iowa we went to a lot of cute little cafes, restaurants, and I met a bunch of people from her home town.
Here is Cafe Fresh which was in Moline, IL! I had a lovely steak wrap and it was super yummy. The decor of the restaurant was also beyond darling. I love this sign that was leaning up again the outside. They had a bunch of cute little chalkboards like this.
The next morning we went out to breakfast with some of our Pi Phi sisters that live in the area! I had the waffle breakfast at the Indigo Cafe and it was very tasty. Around where I live there are NO good breakfast places so I was impressed with this delicious meal. Not to mention you got a lot for your money!
Here is a picture from one of our nights. Yes we are very weird I know!
The next day I went to one of Cassidy's family friends graduation parties, drove around, and went to see "the river" as they call it. Also known as the Mississippi river. We took a few cute pictures on the dock because we have to take pictures everywhere we go!
On the last night we went and saw Maleficent which was AMAZING! I have been wanting to see it and it definitely met my expectations. I wont' ruin the movie for you but it for sure was not what I expected. They turn the story in a very interesting view of Maleficent and I love how they tied the cartoon movie in with this film. Overall, I would highly suggest you go see it! And lets be honest who isn't a sucker for a Disney movie?
Well that was my weekend in Iowa! What did you do over your weekend? Whatever it was I hope it was fabulous :)