Showing posts with label water marble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water marble. Show all posts

Saturday, September 20, 2014

31DC2014: Day 20

Hi. I can't watermarble. Bye.

We are only getting one picture of this failure. Man... I tried so hard. I just don't have the energy to try another manicure because I'm not feeling the best and this bummed me out enough already!
I used Color Club - Edie & Color Club - Mrs. Robinson over a white base. I glittered one nail with Shimmer Polish - Linna to save myself from having to do another nail.

How typical that this fail comes after my two best manis of the challenge (and probably ever.)
I would now like to call upon a Supernatural reference to sum up my feelings for today:

Now take a walk down memory lane and check out my previous day 20 designs:

Friday, September 20, 2013

31DC2013 - day 20

Ahh, the Water Marble day. One of the scariest days of the competition...

I did not want to do a marble on all nails so I went for marble accents with one of my favorite glitter polishes...

Tada! This manicure was inspired by my hugest Instagram nail crush, The Polished Okie. Girl be killinnnnn' it with marbles and gradients and all around everything.
I totally didn't do her manicure justice because my marble is not as pretty but hey, what can you do.

The first nail I marbled was the middle one and it came out too yellow for my liking so the second time around I reversed the color order and then that one was almost too purple... No happy medium!
I wish the two marbles matched better. Ah well. Still pretty.

The glitter of course is Lush Lacquer - Clowning Around.
I marbled using six colors from China Glaze, all but one coming from the Summer Neons 2012 collection:
China Glaze - Gothic Lolita (purple)
China Glaze - Beach Cruise-r (pink)
China Glaze - Splish Splash (blue)
China Glaze - I'm With The Lifeguard (green)
China Glaze - Sun Kissed (yellow)
China Glaze - Orange You Hot? (orange)

I love the combo of neon glitter with the neon marble! Hope you guys like it too.
Water marbling always makes me want to do it more often but then I remember the mess...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

31dc2012 - day 20

Holy crap, it's Day 20 already!

I was not looking forward to this day... It's a tough one!
The theme for today is Water Marble!

When I try to water marble, I always expect it is going to be fantastic. But then I kinda suck a little. And then I get discouraged. But my results do end up decent, usually. It just frustrates me in the process. Haha!

Here's what I came up with:

I went for marbled accent nails instead of a full-blown marble mani. I'm really liking the look of a few marbled nails against some solid ones. (I've always drooled over this manicure from The Nail Network, which is where my inspiration came from.)

I didn't get the best photos of this manicure, I had planned on taking more but then an exploding pen situation at my job kinda screwed that up... Haha. Let's just say my nails are a little more blue now than they were a few hours ago...

I added some dots to my thumb for a little bit more 'oomph'!
I really like how the thumb looks and I might have to do an entire manicure with that sort of pattern very soon!

The pink I used is one of my go-to polishes, China Glaze - Dance Baby.
The turquoise color (which didn't show up too much in my marble) is Zoya - Wednesday.
The blue polish is Barry M - Turquoise. (Yes, it is called turquoise but it is blue.)
The purple is China Glaze - Gothic Lolita, another of my faves.

Well there you have it, a cutesy marble mani that I enjoyed wearing until a stupid pen decided to explode all over my hands. Blargh.

I have made it past one of the most daunting days... But now we are entering the hardest section of the challenge! Uh oh!
I'll have to put on my thinking cap...

Monday, April 16, 2012

many many marbles!

Morning everyone!
As I've mentioned before, I've been super attracted to water marbling lately, and it turns out, so are all my polish buddies! So we all decided to do a water marble today and try to sharpen our skills.
(Some people don't need to sharpen their skills. Those people annoy me.)

I made a valiant effort this time and I got some really good results, apart from one finger.
The one messed up finger ruins this mani for me. Some day, I'll be able to do it with no messes!

Index and middle finger - great!
Pinky - decent!
Ring finger - DAMN!
I'm not sure why the polish decided to bleed in the ring finger and not the others. It still looks okay but I wish it wasn't murky!

My thumb turned out pretty cool, too.
I didn't bother to do this on both hands because I wasn't happy enough with it!

The polishes used are OPI Skull & Glossbones and OPI - OPI Ink.
I used S&G as a base color and then used both in the marble.
I wanted to use Orly Halley's Comet in there too but it wouldn't spread in the water. Sad.

All the rest of my buds will be posting their manis at some point today - being on the east coast of Canada, I'm usually awake before everyone else! So check back throughout the day and you should see lots of pretty manis popping up in the photo collection below!
Have a lovely day everyone, I've sadly got more studying to do for an exam tonight. I can't wait to be done this semester! Friday can't come soon enough.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

water marble bandwagon

The water marble bandwagon has been driving around a lot lately. I have been seeing SO MANY awesome water marbles on blogs recently, it's insane.
My friend Jodi @ Captivating Claws does one every week! And The Nail Network pretty much killed me with her two recent successes. And there's way more I can't begin to mention.

So of course, I had to hop on the bandwagon. But I don't think I quite made it on because this is not as awesome as I envisioned it being in my head! It went well, but not amazingly well.

Tada! To create this marbled look, I used three of my favorite Zoya colors - Elodie, Audrina and Lo from the Gossip Collection. 
I didn't end up with a lot of marbling on each nail because I like to dip several nails at a time to conserve polish.
I think the next time I marble, I'm going to do it in a shot glass, so I can use less polish but still get a bunch of swirls! Hopefully that's how it will work, anyway.

I especially loved the way my ring finger turned out! And these colors just look so cute together.
I used one coat of Lo as my base color to make the colors really pop.

My poor thumb got practically nothing! Hahaha. Oh well.

I've marbled a few times before and I always feel like I don't do as well as I should. Next time I try it, I am going to seriously rock it. Because I'm convinced I can do it!

One last picture to show you... I was too lazy to marble my right hand so I just wore a solid color.

This is Zoya - Lo again, but with a coat of CND - Violet Shimmer. These two look so awesome together!
It looked so cool I even had to show you my right hand which does not like to pose for pictures at all.
And you can see I even somehow dented 2 nails which is something I almost never do.
Right hand hates me. But that combo was too cute not to show off! I think I'll wear it on my toes a lot this summer because it is so vibrant and cheerful!

Okay, there you have my awkward right hand and my semi-successful marble.
Have you guys been marbling lately? Know of any awesome combos I should try?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

31 Day Challenge: Day 20

Good morning, everyone! (Or good afternoon, goodnight, etc!)

The theme for today in the 31 Day Challenge is Water Marble.
I've done water marbles a few times before, and I'm pretty good at it, but I just wasn't feeling inspired for this one so it came out sorta sucky.

Not my best. Haha.
But LOOK at my pinky.  Look at the holo showing up in the marble! That is the weirdest ever because the polish I used for this is one of the "dud" holos. Why does a marbling bring out the holo?

I think marbles look better in bright colors but I just wanted to do neutrals. So it's not the best, but still decent!

The polishes I used are:
OPI - Parlez-Vous OPI?
OPI - Skull and Glossbones
Color Club - Worth the Risque
H&M - Wawawoom

I used Parlez-Vous OPI? as my base color. I love this polish. Love the french name, love the color. Love love love.
I also love that I only paid $3.99 for this.

2 easy coats. Great formula. No complaints.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

blue water marble

Good morning!
I had a hard time deciding what to post this morning, so I'll probably have a swatch post up later too.

The other day while I was staying with my cousin, I water marbled her nails. And then I decided to do mine too!

It turned out lovely!
I used all China Glaze polishes, as I prefer to do with water marbling.
For Audrey, Shower Together, and Liquid Leather.
It took me a while to decide on the colors, I stared at my China Glaze container for a while before picking these three.

I used one coat of For Audrey as a base coat. I really like how Shower Together came out much lighter in the marble - it looks pretty.

Marbling is so much fun but so messy and sometimes wasteful. Haha.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the best water marble i have ever done!

I love marbling, but I don't love wasting the polish.
And I don't love how the nails don't always end up similar enough.
So this time I decided to just do accent nails, and it was a great idea!
One of the nails ended up so good I didn't want to take it off!
(P.S. this was before I chopped my beautiful nails off :( )

See the awesome finger yet? No? Okay here's a bigger one.

Top right!! So awesome!

I miss it now! Hah!

The thumb on this one ended up pretty nice too.

Now, what I don't understand about this marble, is that it made my non-holo Color Club Fashion Addict holo!
I don't know why, but the marble really made it come out.

This is the best picture I could get of it to show the colors. It really did shine all rainbow-y in the sun.
Which is just so weird because Fashion Addict alone did not at all.

It also made Gamer Glam more sparkly too!

The colors you can see here are, as mentioned, Color Club Fashion Addict (the more opaque sparkly part,) China Glaze Gamer Glam (the thinner sparkly part,) China Glaze Spontaneous (darker purple,) and Joe Fresh Faded Violet (the lavender.)
I also used Faded Violet as a base for the marble so that it popped more, and on the other nails.

I miss this marble and I miss my long nails!
Anyway, back to my granny hobby aka crocheting! I have an adorable project going on now that I hope to have finished today. I'm also going to do my nails sometime soon! I love being done school.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

mint marble nail fail

As I said the day before yesterday, I spent my day off water marbling.
Before I got the cute Kicks one done, I had tried out a mint and lavender marble like one I had seen on WAH nails.
However, my mint did not want to play nice.

You couldn't even tell it was mint!
Over the white it just looked white. Some of the nails were cute but this is the type of marble I can't keep on my nails. Haha!
For this marble I used:
Icing - Mint 2 Be
China Glaze - Spontaneous
Joe Fresh - Faded Violet

I've had a bit of school work to do again this week, I'm hoping to get to redo my nails tonight or tomorrow.

As a side note, can anyone identify this mystery polish that has found it's way into my Color Club Catwalk Queen set?!

Dusty mauve purple, not taupe-y, highly pigmented.
Mystery polish!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

china glaze kicks water marble

Today we had a storm, and my university wasn't closed, so I decided to have a personal snow day. Hah!

I used my time wisely - I water marbled!

(click to enlarge)
These are so much brighter in person than the pictures show! I took a million pictures to try and capture it but I couldn't.

(click to enlarge)
Check out the middle finger!!

(click to enlarge)
Love the thumb.

(click to enlarge)
Tried to show more brightness without the flash, but it didn't really work.
How about a webcam picture?

I think this sort of shows the fluorescence!

I am really loving this marble. This one will stay on for a few days!

Here are the polishes I used:

Picture those colors in the marble. That's how bright it is!
These 3 polishes are from the China Glaze Kicks collection, as I mentioned in the title.
This collection was for summer 2009, and I wish I could find the rest of the polishes. I need Custom Kicks especially!
They marbled wonderfully, and of course, I painted my nails white before dipping.

Now that you've seen the nails, check out the mess water marbling creates!

Paper towels, tape, flyers, a ton of polishes to find the right combo, remover, acetone, qtips, tooth picks, yikes!
(Headband, pills and phone not required :P)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

monster mash

I have another water marble to show you!
This one I actually wore for a few days, whereas usually I take it off in the same day because it isn't up to my own standards, haha.
I did this for Halloween and I thought it was Halloween-y, but some people didn't agree with me.

All of these colors are in here somewhere:
Wet N Wild - Black Creme
Color Club - Pucci-licious
Color Club - Twiggie
LA Colors Color Craze - Nuclear Energy
Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear - Green With Envy

So, is it Halloweeny or not?
(I think yes!)

I have another Halloween mani to show you but I'm thinking I might wait until this year's Halloween to post it.
Tomorrow I'll post the nails I did for my friend to match her costume!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


So this would have been more fitting a few days ago when I posted about my new Katy Perry polishes, but...
My friends and I are going to see Katy Perry this summer!!
We bought tickets today.
(The reason this is so exciting is because we live in Newfoundland, and we never get to see anyone popular.)
We're flying to Montreal to see her on July 2nd.
I will be sporting Teenage Dream for sure!!

When I think of Katy Perry I think of bright colors and fun things, so here are some super bright rainbow water marble nails!

(click to enlarge)

Water marbling is not that easy. I'm never really a huge fan of the finished look, but I liked these.
The middle finger especially!

I hadn't cleaned up this hand before I took the picture. 
The pinky on this hand is adorable! If I could get all my nails to look like that it would be awesome.

I used all Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear polishes in this marble.
I used White Out! as a base, and the colors are:
-Caribbean Coral (Red)
-Power Pink
-Sun Kissed (Orange)
-Mellow Yellow
-Going Green
-Green With Envy
-Blue Me Away!

Water marbling: frustrating, but sometimes cute.