Showing posts with label BM-305. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BM-305. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

geometric goodness

Good morning!
Today I've got a pretty crazy mani to show off. I'm not really sure how I came up with this one, I just kept changing my mind on what I wanted to do and made it more complicated each time! It turned out pretty cool.

Tada! Pretty intense, right?

First I was going to do just a pink base, white stamp, black stamp.
Then I decided I would do alternating fingers in green, too.
And then I thought maybe I would do each nail stripes of pink and green, then the stamps.
And finally I said hell, I'll do pink, green AND blue stripes and then the stamps.
I think the progressive changes I made in my mind turned out to make an awesome mani!

I had a bit of a hard time photographing this to look as vibrant as it is.
And sadly I did smear my middle finger a little bit, but I'm pretending that didn't happen.

I think my thumb turned out the coolest!

I took step-by-step pictures of this manicure for a tutorial.

Here's what you need:
- Three polish colors for your stripes (I used Sally Hansen - Blue Me Away!, Color Club - Peppermint Twist, and Color Club - Twiggie.)
- Black and white stamping polish (I used Konad Special White and Wet N Wild - Black Creme.)
- A small brush or striping brush to create your stripes
- A stamper and scraper + image plates (I used Bundle Monster BM-305 and BM-201.)

Start out by painting your nails one of your three colors. I used Twiggie as my base because I like the formula.

Then, paint on your stripes. I like to do one color at a time - I did all the blues and then all the pinks.
They do not have to be neat at all because they're going to be covered by stamping. I am awful at painting good stripes! So don't worry if yours aren't precise either.

Time to stamp your first image! The mani would look pretty cool if you stopped here, too.
This chevron image is from BM-201 and it is probably one of my favorite images ever!

Time to add the last image...

This zigzag image is from BM-305 - a plate from their new set. I had a bit of trouble getting it to pick up completely, but in the end I worked it out.

I might try this mani again with a solid pink base, too, like I originally planned. Just to see. Haha!

What do you guys think? Do you dig geometric patterned manis?
I hope you do, because my friends have got lots more cool manis to show off as well!