Posted on November 26, 2016 in Attitudes Gratitude Life as Metaphor Prose Arcana Writing Exercises
I am glad when things are over
Tags: gratitude, thankfulness, Thanksgiving
Posted on February 13, 2015 in Life as Metaphor Photos Reflections Weather
The fog encroached down streets that ran to the sea. What a metaphor for existence!
Tags: fog, search for meaning
Posted on January 9, 2007 in Life as Metaphor Reflections
From my seat in the restaurant, tail lights pressed into the darkness where their cause was taken up by headlights which came back at me. Just that steady round: no swings or episodes, no grand opera moments. Just the systole and dystole of a heart thumping to the movement of traffic. For now, my disease seems to be under control.
Goodbye 2006 with all your manias and depressions, your stalkers and your angry weirdos.
Posted on January 12, 2006 in Bipolar Disorder Life as Metaphor Psychotropics Therapy
Jumping across the dark line that was drawn a year ago seems the most hazardous advance in my recovery.
Posted on December 28, 2005 in Bipolar Disorder Life as Metaphor Therapy
Give us better chairs.
Posted on February 2, 2004 in Hope and Joy Life as Metaphor Writing
In the wake of last week’s parting of the ways, I’ve felt a brief lurch and a halt in my creative energies.
Posted on November 3, 2002 in Celebrations Life as Metaphor
As I rounded the bend where Interstate 15E becomes the Crosstown Freeway in San Bernardino, I regretted leaving my camera behind as a un-needed nuisance.
Tags: birthday
Posted on October 21, 2002 in Life as Metaphor
I glanced up into the branches, hoping for a glimpse of a Cheshire Cat.
Posted on September 20, 2002 in Disasters Life as Metaphor Neighborhood Prose Arcana Weather
A few weeks from now, the first drops of rain will pierce the hard-baked crust left over from summer and bathe the woody roots of the pallid scrub that clump along the sandstone spines and domes of Whiting Canyon like fresh hair implants on a stark scalp.
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