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Category: Martyrdom Series

Saddleback Church

Posted on November 10, 2007 in Martyrdom Series The Orange

Which part of the service was like being in heaven?
A vocal duet with the band/orchestra accompanying.

And which part was like being in… er… the other place?
Finding a parking place.

I get in trouble when I write about Saddleback Church, so here’s the mystery worshipper’s report from Ship of Fools.

Martyrdom 8: The Buddha

Posted on May 3, 2004 in Martyrdom Series Myths & Mysticism

You don’t promote enlightenment by inciting pain. You merely increase the level of suffering in another person’s life until she gives in.

Martyrdom 7: Christ and the Cross

Posted on March 28, 2004 in Martyrdom Series Myths & Mysticism

In the original myth, Christ didn’t die so that we might emulate his suffering: he suffered because we suffered.


Martyrdom 6: Catholic Martyrs, Attis, Pious Frauds, and BDSM

Posted on March 9, 2004 in Courage & Activism Martyrdom Series Morals & Ethics Myths & Mysticism Strange

It was not for beauty that the early church fathers banned the damaged from celebrating the Mass; the prelates were more concerned about the barbarous lengths to which some interpreted scripture and pagan rites in which initiates altered themselves.


Martydom 5: Vukovar, Guernica, and Hiroshima

Posted on March 5, 2004 in Martyrdom Series Morals & Ethics Myths & Mysticism War

I refused to take the side of any government, any army in a war.


Martyrdom 4: The Soot in the Fields

Posted on March 2, 2004 in Lies Martyrdom Series Morals & Ethics Myths & Mysticism War

To thwart them, we must tell the whole truth. Sixteen million people died in the Holocaust: Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals, and “defectives”.


Martyrdom 3: Esprit de Corps

Posted on March 1, 2004 in Martyrdom Series Morals & Ethics Myths & Mysticism War

Generals such as Patton like to think that they are the high priests of vast congregations called “armies”, but from what I have heard and read from grunts the spiritual community is more akin to that of Quakers than to the Vatican or Shinto.


Martyrdom 2: Pyramids, Tophets, and a Ram in a Thicket

Posted on February 29, 2004 in Martyrdom Series Morals & Ethics Myths & Mysticism

The man or woman who lies down upon the altar is called a victim, from the Latin victima meaning an animal used for sacrifice. The word comes from an Indo-European root “weik” signifying that which is magic and holy.


Martyrdom 1: The Martyrs of York and Edith Stein

Posted on February 28, 2004 in Martyrdom Series Morals & Ethics Myths & Mysticism

Which were the martyrs of York? The ones who killed themselves or the ones who were massacred by the crowd?

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