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The Medical Marijuana for Bipolar Disorder Lie

Posted on February 20, 2015 in Addictions Bipolar Disorder Lies Psycho-bunk


square841Everyone seems to have a friend who has been helped by medical marijuana. When my wife had chemotherapy, we had it as a backup in case the anti-nausea drugs did not work for her. Glaucoma is a disease with medical research backing the effectiveness of medical marijuana. But the medical marijuana industry goes beyond what is proven by science. It welcomes those who use it for many other diagnoses despite the absence of peer review studies. In other words, if you can get a doctor or a nurse practitioner to write you a script, you can get high legally for any disease you can name. And the worst of the lies medical marijuana prescribers and retailers let fly is the lie that marijuana helps the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Here is my full disclosure: First, I do not oppose legalization of marijuana provided it is regulated at least as well as alcohol. There need to be laws governing its sale to minors, bans against driving under the influence, etc. But other than that, I have no problem with seeing it available as a leisure drug. There’s considerable evidence that the liquor industry does not want this, but alcohol is worse than cannibis in some regards. Second, I have smoked marijuana. Here is where my strong feelings about the subject come from. When I was in college, I was talked into toking by my peers. They did not force it down my throat, they did not blow smoke into my lungs, they did not deceive me in the sense that they told me things that they knew were not true. I started using the drug by my own choice.


No Nuke in North Korea?

Posted on October 15, 2006 in Lies War

No one can find the least trace of radioactivity in the air following the North Korea “nuclear test”.


Posted on October 10, 2006 in Journalists & Pundits Lies

Can you see what is wrong with this picture?

The answer is real easy if you can’t figure it out by looking at the top part….

Can George W. Bush and Dennis Hastert Democrats be far behind?


The Disinformers Debunked

Posted on April 10, 2005 in Accountability Journalists & Pundits Lies

There is no lie lower than a lie that says the truth is a lie.


Swift Kick and Punt Return

Posted on August 15, 2004 in Campaign 2004 Journalists & Pundits Lies Morals & Ethics

Because blogging has become popular and has drawn off a small sliver of the public who might otherwise mindlessly read the country’s major newspapers or watch its television media, we are now targetted by the same people who have been maneuvering big media to toe the Republican line.


Swift Boat of Lies

Posted on August 10, 2004 in Campaign 2004 Lies

The so-called Swift Boat commercials which are being shown in key swing states demand that Bush condemn them.


Martyrdom: A Short Break and Wicked Thoughts

Posted on March 3, 2004 in Lies Myths & Mysticism Site News

A couple of amusing thoughts that came to me while discussing this with my wife regarding the issue of the mythical “International Jewish Conspiracy”.


Martyrdom 4: The Soot in the Fields

Posted on March 2, 2004 in Lies Martyrdom Series Morals & Ethics Myths & Mysticism War

To thwart them, we must tell the whole truth. Sixteen million people died in the Holocaust: Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals, and “defectives”.

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