Posted on April 29, 2017 in Abuse Anxiety Bipolar Disorder
I feel sorry for my wife.
Posted on January 9, 2017 in Abuse Adolescence Childhood PTSD Relationships Writing Exercises
lost his temper and then worried that I sometimes exploded in return.
Posted on July 14, 2015 in Abuse Authoritarianism Terrorism Therapy
APA only half got the message.
Posted on May 21, 2015 in Abuse Netiots Stigma The InterNet
lease sign the petition at the site.
Posted on January 23, 2011 in Abuse Civic Responsibility Compassion Terminology
With Utah Senator Bob Lee’s declaration that if we stop the violent rhetoric “the shooter wins” — for starters — I realize that National No-Name-Calling Week is going to be tough for me. But I do see value in holding my temper and refraining from short-cutting reasonable arguments against — there, I almost did it. I stopped myself. Let’s just say that Bob Lee is wrong in the extreme and doing little more than trying to find an excuse for continuing to be a — damn. I told you this wasn’t going to be easy.
These are terrible times. We confound the right of being able to say what we want — even that which is rude — and draw from that the confused notion that being offensive and divisive is an obligation. So we jump to the worst before we rise to the best — if we ever bother to rise at all. This week, I am going to try to mark a better course. If Lee persists in defending violent rhetoric, I will point out the act without adding an epithet. We have enough bullying going around (and Lee’s statement is as bad a defense of bullying as I have ever seen), so for one week, let’s try to find the better place of considered discussion. This week, let us refute and rebut the logic without resorting to the shorthand of abusing the messenger. Democracy is not for the lazy: we must work to gain agreement and consensus.
People not to think about this week: Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, John Boehner, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Bob Lee.
It is what we all put in the pot that makes for a toxic social atmosphere.
I promise you this: I shall do my best to argue the issues not diss the person. If I fail, I shall pick myself up pronto and set myself to the spirit once more. Wish me luck.
Posted on May 14, 2010 in Abuse PTSD
The Cause for the Canonization of Roman Polanski took a big hit today when English actress Charlotte Lewis came out and hinted that he had taken liberties with her during the filming of Pirates in France.
Posted on September 11, 2007 in Abuse California Watch Morals & Ethics Scoundrels
They didn’t have any part in it. They didn’t fondle any child inappropriately. They didn’t lure them to dark corners and press them into coitus or sodomy. Yet three nuns — who have given their lives to helping the poor in their community — are going to be the first to pay for the priest sex abuse scandals that cost the Archdiocese of Los Angeles $660-million by giving up their home. Meanwhile the episcopal ring glitters on the hand of the archbishop and the house AHnold gave the archdiocese is not on the block.
[tags]sex abuse, clergy, priest sex abuse scandal, scandals, scoundrels, nuns, priests, Catholics, Catholic Church, morality, ethics[/tags]