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Category: Bugs


Posted on March 28, 2007 in Bugs

If you have experience with TikiWiki or phpWiki, please let me know.

My Second Choice

Posted on June 5, 2006 in Bugs

This is my second choice of page design and I hope it works well for you while I tinker with the theme-switcher.

The flowers will be back!

Technical Difficulties Continue, But There is Progress

Posted on June 4, 2006 in Bugs

The theme switcher (which was the source of the problem) will be back later this week. (Hack hack hack.) In the meantime, you get to enjoy my Jakarta. Sorry for the inconvenience. By brute force, if necessary, I will have this working again.


Firefox Users

Posted on June 4, 2006 in Browsers Bugs

Something weird is happening and I am trying to isolate the problem. It may come and go. (It didn’t turn up for me when asked about this before. Now it is there.) In the meantime, please try using Opera or IE.

It might be related to the last Firefox upgrade. There is documentation that I will attempt to implement.


For We Are Having Technical Difficulties

Posted on May 23, 2006 in Bugs

Just a warning that there may be technical difficulties


Firefox Users Take Note

Posted on February 10, 2006 in Browsers Bugs

I have determined that this is due to a funkiness in Firefox.


Technical Advice

Posted on January 23, 2006 in Bugs

If you know why the right hand column sometimes falls to the bottom of the page….


Trackback Feexed!

Posted on November 6, 2005 in Bugs

Sorry sorry sorry!


Archive Templates?

Posted on August 31, 2004 in Bugs

Good advice will be treated as precious and the giver held in the highest esteem.


Problems with WordPress

Posted on August 30, 2004 in Bugs

square297.gifWhatever was happening with the archives links on Saturday seems to have disappeared, at least for me. I still have the “page not found” error for comments turning up. Anyone with php or WordPress experience out there who can help me debug? I am also having problems with plugins (I have a fix I am going to attempt, but again, knowledgable people are needed to debug.)

I also need help setting up permalinks.

But look! I fixed the comment box problem! I’m not totally useless!


Comments Problem

Posted on August 24, 2004 in Bugs

square200.gifI’m not sure what is causing this, but when people try to comment today, I get a page not found error. Reloading the page does post the comment, though you get another error. Has anyone else had this problem and do they know how to cure it?

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