Posted on November 27, 2007 in Insurance Nipper Kettle Relationships
Joy toys are supposed to come with no strings. Ask any closet gay conservative.
Posted on December 18, 2006 in Nipper Kettle Strange
This new kind of school shooting has yet to bring about its own copycat criminals.
Posted on March 30, 2006 in Nipper Kettle Paranoids
This is probably the most absurd use of Homeland Security money yet conceived.
Posted on February 17, 2006 in Nipper Kettle Scoundrels
The only phrase for this is “Unconscienable Contract”.
Posted on January 15, 2006 in Crosstalk Depression Nipper Kettle Occupation of Iraq
I’ll give you a word scramble: ti kgiufcn esdo tno!
Posted on May 22, 2005 in Nipper Kettle
It’s been a while since I handed out one of my not-so-coveted Nipper Kettle Awards.
Posted on February 9, 2004 in Crosstalk Nipper Kettle Secularism
Passengers dialed relatives, perhaps in fear that they’d booked a ticket on a Christian Identity suicide mission.
Posted on February 8, 2004 in Nipper Kettle
Ugly American Douglas A. Skolnick is the winner of a Nipper Kettle Award for stupid, pointless acts of self promotion.
Posted on January 11, 2004 in Campaign 2004 Liberty Nipper Kettle
Ask not about Bush’s repression of free speech and dissent in his presence, but make a big issue when Howard Dean speaks up for himself and for his supporters.