We mean well. We want to do these things and we think our friends, family and colleagues want to hear that we’re trying to improve. Keep in mind; they’re doing the same thing!
According to dorothy.com who asked 2,000 people over the age of 18; Two-thirds of those surveyed have made a resolution in their lives while only 17% have kept them. One third cites financial issues as the biggest hurdle in reaching their goals – that seems low.
Time is a huge one – for some strange reason we feel that our time is under someone else’s tutelage. And this is interesting, 33% of the sample said they use social networking and search engine tools to achieve their goals.
It was startling to find out that more men kept their resolutions than women. 74% of the women missed the mark while 58% of the guys did the same. Perhaps it’s because we make fewer promises or ours are not as adventurous? That’s just my guess.
This year, I thought I’d ask followers on Twitter if they had any New Year’s resolutions. Thanks for all the responses! Here is the Top 20 (in no particular order):
◦ Exercise more
◦ Make me the priority
◦ Worry less
◦ Get to know more social media friends
◦ Talk less
◦ Pay less attention to the News
◦ Play more
◦ Take better care of myself
◦ Stay away from negative people
◦ Stop drinking
◦ Find balance – for real this time
◦ Write more
◦ Live with passion
◦ Collaborate more
◦ Act more than say
◦ Release the past
◦ Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts
◦ Laugh more
◦ Enjoy what I do
◦ Work less
Whatever your goals or plans for 2009, I hope you reach them.
Happy New Year!