Repurchase: No
Price: $16.00 (0.106 oz/ 3 g)
Product: 20/25
Packaging: 4/5
Value: 6/10
Overall Grade: C
I've seen
Jemma Kidd's "JK" line at Target dozens of times but have never given any of her products a second thought. I've swatched some shades here and there but none were ever interesting enough to buy. A few weeks ago, I swatched the
Classic Couture lipsticks and was shocked at how beautiful they looked on my hand under the bright store lights. I quickly looked for
Minx (a light pink) but was out of luck so grabbed my second choice,
A-List, to review for
Nudey Tuesday.
The Packaging: Jemma Kidd's Classic Couture lipstick comes in a sleek, matte black rounded tube. "JK" is printed in large, pink letters with "Jemma Kidd" printed in smaller text below. The very bottom of the tube is clear displaying the shade inside with the shade name underneath.
I like the tube but I don't find it exciting. However, it's a lot nicer than some other plastic-y drugstore lipstick tubes.
The Product: Right off the bat, the $16 price tag seemed steep but I was determined to try
at least one of the Classic Couture lipsticks. I initially had high hopes and hopes and dreamt of this possibly being a hidden drugstore gem. On photo shoot/swatch day, I eagerly ripped open the box, took photos, and then happily applied the lipstick to my lips. Total. Fail.
When I applied the lipstick right out of the tube, my lips looked gunky and disgusting. Even though my lips had already been moisturized and were fairly soft, the lipstick made them look so incredibly dry. I quickly wiped off the lipstick and tried again. This time, I applied a thick layer of lip balm (in this case Carmex) and dabbed on the lipstick (instead of swiping it on like the first time.) This application process worked a lot better than the first but still didn't give me the pretty, kissable lips that I had hoped for. The lipstick sunk into my lip lines causing them to (still) look very dry.
However, what you see isn't always necessarily what you
feel. The lipstick felt soft and smooth on my lips -totally the opposite of how it looked. Another nice quality is the good pigmentation but that's where the good ends.
Unfortunately, the lipstick fades away in less than an hour. It also contains that kind of artificial, "trying to be" sweet scent and taste that isn't very appealing. Unfortunately, Jemma Kidd's A-List would never make it anywhere near my personal selection of "A-list" lipsticks.
The Color: A-List is a pale, peachy salmon nude with silver shimmer
Above (with flash) from left: JK Jemma Kidd Classic Couture lipstick in A-List (4) layers, (1) layer
Above (with flash): JK Jemma Kidd Classic Couture Lipstick in A-List
Overall: For $16 (and at Target), I expected a really great lipstick. The product itself is somewhere around "B-" level but the value brought the grade down a lot.
If I had known how uninspiring the lipstick would be, I could've taken that $16 and put it towards a bunch of other (better) lipsticks out there. For just a little more than half the price, I could've purchased a Revlon ColorBurst lipstick ($8.99) and gotten some change back and much better results. Or, I could've even picked up a tube of MAC lipstick for only $14.50 -then at least I'd be guaranteed a very pigmented, beautiful shade. I could've also put it towards my favorite lipstick, Shiseido's Perfect Rouge, and added another $9.00 to the total.
The $16.00 was an absolute waste this time around but I really do try to give people (or products) the benefit of the doubt. I have Minx waiting for me to review and swatch so hopefully that goes a lot better!